
I agree alcohol is more dangerous than weed, but it's bullshit that a person's life can't spiral down because of overusing the latter. I've known several people who wrecked their lives smoking massive amounts of weed. One friend went from brilliant to utterly vacant over the course of a year, losing jobs, paralyzing

That show was BRILLIANT. Spot on.

It was "Andy Hard-on" for his movie character Andy Hardy.

I *love* that site. And that trope is a riot.

I hated Scrappy. My brother and I would throw pillows at the TV when he came on screen.

I own a pug, and trust me: all of their anii look like this. It's a scandal, frankly.

I pay $1,500 for a huge one bedroom in the Outer Richmond overlooking the water. I get scared that my wonderful landlords will, I don't know, move their son in and kick me out. The rent prices I think are out there scare me, but I'm comforted by your reminder that there are affordable places, even in this overpriced

CLAIRE'S SQUARES. Happy happy joy joy!

Well, there's the grey area between always nice and batshit-maru. And since that's where I live, I do fret about being tracked down a little. I've done a pretty good job covering my tracks as of late, but 15 years ago I made a mess and still live in fear of someone finding crazy, not-medicated-enough me!

La Cocina is amazing. I worked with them some years ago as they were starting out, and they are truly inspiring. They have all sorts of classes for small food businesses (most of the businesses owned by women from other countries) and provide huge, beautifully outfitted kitchens they can use for their cooking. The