
Love can speed tiny legs.

We stop referring to them as "children" when they turn 18.

My grandfather was a farmer for over 80 years (minus the years he spent doing labor as a prisoner of the nazi regime in a german automobile factory). He wasn't a big man, he didn't look strong (he always wore very loose work pants and shirts) but:

You're goddamn right I'm the strongest. Forearms like goddamn paint buckets.

I've said this before, but what these folks don't understand is that the difference between their sweet old (racist) grandma and Paula Deen is that Deen had power. She used that power to subject Black employees to degrading treatment, like using separate bathrooms, and harassing language.

If she hadn't acted out her

I'm actually in that big moment right now, or one of them. I live in a rural area, which is slowly dying, working an IT Job that has no future for a company that's going under bit by bit.

People aren't very good judges of whether or not their dog is an asshole. Kind of the way they aren't very good judges of whether or not they are an asshole.

The annoying dogs are real dogs too, dude.

For me the challenge was getting a girlfriend. One of the things that I found made it difficult was how I would behave around women... awkwardly and not so fun or confident. I've heard that women love confident men, but putting it into practice and not just appearing ridiculously cocky was different than knowing it.

While in the Air Force in the 70's, I was on the USAF Bobsled team as two-man on the #1 four man team, we took 2 golds and 4 silvers in 6 races. That qualified us to try out for the 1977 USA team. The tryouts consisted of pushing a sled on wheels through a set of timing lights. While we had the best start times as a

Honestly, I got a DUI. Previously I had been smoking weed all day every day and didn't have my priorities in order. I was doing poorly in school (college) and wasn't paying attention to the important things in my life like work and class and relationships that needed to be fixed. After this incident I had to get sober

"Now, y'all, you're gonna see me eat sumthing y'all ain't ever seen me eat before. It's called Crow, and I don't think I'ma gonna like it."

there was a lot of editing for a 45 second video. what do you think was going on between the cuts? blank staring?

He looks like someone tried to grow their own Bradley Cooper and lost interest.

Seeing this in conjunction with Facebook finally agreeing to take down the photos of battered women and Patton Oswalt apologizing for his previous stance on rape jokes has really given me hope. It seems like the world at large is becoming aware of rape culture, which gives us all a better chance to combat it.

Thank you. This was a very thoughtful and thought-provoking piece, and it's given me much to consider.

Yes! I do try to follow a rule of thumb to cover my "cost" of the wedding with a monetary gift. Even when I know the couple hasn't paid for the wedding. My husband and I are well off enough that this hasn't yet been a problem. But one our favorite wedding gifts we received: a Land's End bag with a blanket and a $7

as my father always told me, you don't kill where you shit.