Michael Cera: turning grey before growing pubes.
Michael Cera: turning grey before growing pubes.
Or occupied fucking their cousins.
Let’s call them racist, chauvinist, nationalist pigs screaming of a socialist conspiracy. And don’t forget even Nazis believed in universal healthcare and infrastructural investments instead of privatisation.
What a bunch of clowns. Mormons make Scientology a sane option.
I’m happy he got the recognition he deserved. Without Daptone the world would have been deprived of a great artist.
What about the good ole cancer-aids with best wishes from the AV Club?
Maja The Bee - Proud Europeen
I liked what I have seen of your show when I had Amazon prime. So consider me a well-wisher Teti.
What a bunch of clowns.
In Great Britain?
Good to hear that Paul Schrader still got it and deservedly so after suffering the Lohan.
This guy fucks!
Peter Tosh > Daniel Tosh
All to the ending theme of the Hulk
Planned Parenthood > Shotgun Wedding
When comes the time that we wear those hat ironically? It can’t be long, can it?
You know, that Titus Movie is actually on of the better Shakespeare adaptions riding on the Baz Luhrmann bandwagon. Also it’s got a unabashedly 90s artschool aesthetic that works in it’s favour.