Mr. Shumway

“fireable offense” thank god it’s not a bootable offence.

Gonna catch ‘em all

You are right. I think he really is a racist after all.

I watched the Cosby Show and Urkel.

Would you ask Steven Tyler that question?

Yeah food waste. That’s a real problem. Especially since the large scale industrialisation of agriculture started about 100 Years ago and we have a supply exceeding demand constantly since the end of WWII in all of western civilisation. To a degree that European agribusiness is destroying small scale farming in Africa

He’s no racist. He just says, does, or encourages racist things all the time.

I rather hear Ja Rules thoughts on the election.

Like it’s gone straight to DVD.

Chapo Trap House is a fad just like Acid Jazz.

Rick Moranis did it first.

Oh be NICE.

Gabba, gabba. One of us.

Why can’t you be more sex-positive?

Fieri does predominantly casual American on his show and in his restaurants. That’s the same thing 99% of all fast-food and/or chain restaurant places do. That’s LCD right there.

I’m a alien from Melmac therefore I beg to differ.

Not exclusively. I’ve got a pretty large palette.

His whole persona panders to the lowest common denominator. Be it haircut, clothing, donkey sauce. He acts aggressively mediocre without the curiosity of a Andrew Zimmern or Bourdain who both can bridge the gap between high and low. His palette is decidedly narrow and that now for decades and for all his endeavours.

Cocaine is a helluva drug.