Just think about it. Stormtroopers pulling a Stardestroyer through the jungle of Endor.
Just think about it. Stormtroopers pulling a Stardestroyer through the jungle of Endor.
He would be a awesome baddy. Like Face-Off in space.
The man looks like a fit 70. So being batshit crazy does age you...
Werner Herzog
On that cover Wonder Woman looks like a double amputee. Even Rob Liefeld would be ashamed of that.
It’s a late 90's porn face.
I guess I will dust off the old Windjammers cart this weekend and play a few rounds.
We’re cool. I say to all my friends, who think they have lost their edge if i can change my opinion so can they. But they are drunk girls to begin with.
Definitely carbonara, not glue.
It’s impossibly expensive.
I bet he wears elevator shoes to look taller.
With a normal size tie a fat guy can look like Oliver Hardy. This too is a attempt to make his gut look smaller.
Ryan Adams - Heartbreaker. 3 bucks well spent on that record.
You see, the problem is staying at a Planet Hollywood. That’s not something a self-respecting person does.
She will get old and people stop caring as she gets replaced by the next hot young starlet. As it happens to almost every actress and pop singer approaching 40. You see sexism does work sometimes.
Vaughn looks like Apocalypse Now era Brando in this picture.
Corporations are people, too.
It’s not dementia - that was Ronnie. It’s just the raging naricissm of a person that has to put his name in giant gold lettering on “his” buildings.
Would you ask Robert Pollard that question?