

Content aside, this series always amazes me by just how much text can fit in a subject line.

Subject: I am a straight white man that has a penis, loves sports, hates crybabies, hates socialists and terrorists, doesn’t want open borders, thinks men and women should have separate bathrooms, hates colin kapernick, makes over $400k/year, loves guns, supports our police and military, stands for the national

It’s always tough to tell, with the anonymity the internet provides, but I’m starting to suspect that Elisabeth Maria and Elisabeth Maria are the same person.

James “Chubby” Wells, who went on to find success as an NBA agent in the mid-2000s, representing role players around the league like Dale Davis and Ramon Sessions...

The Los Angeles Clippy

Nope, no vapid new agey garbage clogging up Congress please. There’s enough bullshit going on there without adding to the pile.

I worked near a McCain/Palin rally years ago, the amount over slovenly, obese, sickly pasty, and personal transport scooters shambling down the sidewalk that day was simply surreal. It was like an 80's zombie film.

I don’t get the misguided love this person got over some wonderfully timed platitudes. Her mindless vaccine takes and bullshit pseudoscience background are more than enough to dismiss her as a cuckoo for cocoa puffs numpty head who fooled more people than I thought possible.

everyone has diabetes and gets winded walking up stairs

Prediction: The crowd will start the chant. Trump will, in fact, “silence the crowd, tell them, ‘Hey, don’t do that...’”

I work across the street from US Bank Arena. I felt like I was walking through the streets of the third reich this morning going into work, except everyone has diabetes and gets winded walking up stairs.

FIFA should string Sacramento along and then relocate to either the Twin Cities, Nashville or Cincinnati. And FIFA might be able to add Charlotte and/or St. Louis to its punk Sacramento options in a few hours or days.

At the top of a beanstalk. Also they are required to add “FOFUM” to the end of their name.

Qatar is the only real answer, isn't it?

That one sailed further over your head then his last toss as an Indian 

I have seen this river. I have camped up and down this river. I have been chased by grizzly bears near this river. I have never tried to cross this river.

I was thinking that too, but at this time of year it still might be daylight or at least twilight there. Sunset for the nearest town (Healy) is 11:10pm today.