Gopher Trace

Oh my god...

You’ve blown my mind, once again.....

They offered her her old job and she didn’t take it? Psssht. White people problems.

They actually did that???

Any white girl who has been in a movie ever.

But what about the fingerbanging on the rollercoaster?

Fascinating....makes you wonder if she smiles at home...

That’s Victoria? Are you kidding me???

Who iz thiz???

No shit Sherlock, no shit. This has been known for years if not decades hell there was a freaking book AND movie about it called Eight Minutes!!!!!! Fracking hell why did you write this???

In a prepared statement Serial said: ‘Please listen to Serial. We never resolve anything, and you can never question us about our unresolved shit, and each season we will release new shit we will ponder and NEVER RESOLVE LIKE NOT EVEN PARTIALLY HOW DARE YOU EVEN EXPECT US TO DO THAT!’

Then why are you teeth discolored, malformed and in disarray?

Um in Texas elder abuse adds 10 years to whatever your original sentence would’ve been. Elder abuse is a crime in i think all 50 states....

Nope. Rwanda killed ONE MILLION in the same amount of time

Hey Whoopi Goldberg settled this years ago: it wasn’t a ‘real’ rape——Whoopi said so!

This is awesome!!!!!


No it did not air from 1970 to 1984. In 1970 Wagner was on the shitty It Takes A Thief show. Hart to Hart was 1979-1984. And it sucked, and the only good part was this silent movie actor named Lionel Stander who’s in the 1934 A Star Is Born

That’s how they prononce it in Minnesota...quesaDILLah, torTILLah, NATchose, TACKohs, etc i wish i was joking but.....

Have you heard of the words satire and parody? Also sororities are the worst. Should we not mock them, Oh Arbiter Of Free Speech?