
We are well beyond shot-sized cups, friend. I’ve quit using cups altogether and just drink Scotch directly from the bottle.

Why? Seriously just do shots from a solo cup. In fact just fill it to the fucking brim and drink til it’s Monday.

Hillary is living my best life: hiking, going to Broadway shows, going out for Italian food with Kate McKinnon. #goals

If I understand the Trump Administration, all of the real power will be held by a small cadre of ghouls like Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. Your role, as a qualified and experienced leader, is to be brashly ignored and derided by the President and then take the fall for whenever one of the other idiots and psychos

In other news!

Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.

Actually, not true. The main reason why single payer nations have lower per capita costs than us is because they focus on preventative care, which is much lower cost, and we focus on high-cost elective care. This is the dirty little secret about the “waiting list” trope. We have major waiting times for primary and

This is only for those who have the luxury of choice and are considering switching to a high deductible plan/HSA: don’t do it. Contrary to the right wing nonsense about “moral hazard” and people who have skin in the game make smarter health care decisions, research continues to prove that the more people have to put

Thanks! I guess we’re in the same boat.

Yes, especially for introverted.

I think everyone involved needs to be criticized for this shoot. It’s highly unlikely that this was Karlie’s idea, however she’s one of the most in-demand models right now and has been for about five years now, so it wouldn’t have hurt her career at all to say no to this shoot. She’s well-connected and has enormous

I’ve seen a lot of fancy juke boxes

I would imagine she would be contractually bound. Vogue is a big deal, so she’s like “awyeah” and signs the contract. When she gets there and they say “put on this gear” she’s got little recourse. Not as a diss, but I don’t know how culturally nuanced this kid is. She probably saw the clothes and was “oooo pretty!”

Excellent point! I’m not 100% sure how these shoots work, but I saw “The September Issue” and I’d bet money that say she had very little, if any input as to the choice in clothing, makeup, styling, or art direction. These clothes were chosen days, if not weeks before the actual shoot, and what are her options by the

Um. Shouldn’t the ire be directed at Vogue and their photographer and art director who developed this concept rather than not Kylie.? Yes she could have said NOPE but the people at the magazine who thought this was a good idea should get the brunt of the ire.

You are 100% correct. I make the mistake at least every other day of reading the comments on some Orange Shitbag story or other, and a lot of people are blithering idiots who think all of his moves are awesome. As Andy Richter said on Twitter, “It’s a great time to be alive if you’re dumb and mean.”

The saddest thing about this is that there are people like us who think this was a total shit show and the President was an idiot AGAIN. But there are people out there who will think this was great. That the President can’t be racist! He’s shaking hands with a Jew....not just anyone, but THE JEWISH guy. And that the

Its easily explained by the fact that he is an incurious blowhard who is miles out of his intellectual depth.

When you’re young, attractive, popular and have lots of money, the alternatives to a less than perfect marriage are undoubtably quite compelling.

I feel like monogamy for an A list actor would be a nightmare. They literally track down and make you work with people you have crazy chemistry with as part of your job. Worse, you’re often working away from home, odd hours, and not seeing your partner for huge slabs of time.