
I’m usually not busy, so on the rare occasions that I am, it stresses me out because I’m not used to it. So if someone asks me how my day was, I’ll say that it was busy and I hated it. The people in my life know how unbusy I usually am though, so they get it, and they’ll join me in being horrified that I actually had

You say mutant, I say more evolved. From the article you linked: “those who couldn’t drink milk were apt to die before they could reproduce. At best they were having fewer, sicklier children.”

That starwipe article is everything.

As a petite woman without much arm strength, I don’t think this would work for me. I have a hard enough time with a corkscrew.

yeah, I’m fine with him having a job. I’m never going to admire him or think he’s a great guy, but he has paid for his racist outburst.

Just what we need, another lifestyle guru. Can’t people figure out their own lives? Do we need celebrities to tell us what to eat, what to wear, and how to raise our kids? Somehow, I’ve been muddling along ok on my own, without the help of Martha, Goop, Jillian Michaels, Jessica Alba and whoever else is trying to make

I don’t dislike her, and I like most of her statement. Except for the part where she says she’s empowered by her flaws. She had all her supposed flaws erased by plastic surgery and other procedures. She’s not an example of how to love your body just the way it is. Nothing against getting procedures; I would have some

If I still lived in New York, I’d be eating a bagel right now. But the bagels in my current city aren’t worth it.

Has anyone checked on Oprah? All that bread every day can’t be doing her any good.

I would be your ideal girl, except that I’m 51, and I don’t want a partner. I’ll ride in your sports car with you though.

51 and still single.

My mother told me that I need to get married because I will never be able to take care of myself. My happiness didn’t even factor into it. Meanwhile, I’ve been supporting myself for decades. I think she’s projecting her own shit onto me, because she has never worked and has always been supported by my father.

She’s been starving herself to stay thin for 60 years, so yeah.

I don’t know how she puts up with it. When I was young, I worked for an awful woman who wasn’t half as bad as David O’Russell, and my co-workers and I prayed daily to get into an accident on the way to work so we could get a few days off in the hospital.

His ego and need for attention have never been so fed as they are now, so he’s never going to stop. Even if he loses, he will go on bloviating forever as a political commentator.

...accidentally sexting him right now.

I haven’t heard of that podcast. I’ve been listening to the Watch What Crappens podcast, and the two guys who do that one are hilarious. I’ll have to check out Bitch Sesh, because I guess I have a problem too.

Yeah, I thought the Gaga performance was self-aggrandizing.

Narcissists are no fun, and rich narcissists even less so.

I’d have to buy more dishes if I lived there. I only have like 2 days worth of plates and utensils.