I can't wait to be dead

as sassy as a damp athletic sock

as sassy as watching a recently emptied tissue box for 40 minutes.

As a native, I can attest to this hot take. I got away though. It is sublime.

Anyone I have ever heard complimenting that area has said basically this exact thing. The most cuttingly negative thing I’ve heard was someone who had come to terms with the rampant crime, but couldn’t get over how stupid the criminals were. That pissed them off more than anything. But I think they lived in Modesto,

I’m from Sacramento and I fully believe Sacramento in no way deserves that strong of an opinion, for good or bad. I think the town motto should be “Meh.”

But isn’t your whole point an essentially real life “dismiss”? Don’t pay any attention to Milo it is the only way to make these guys go away. So several people decided not to give you any attention and now it’s cowardly?

I knew from the first time I kissed my (now) husband. We didn’t live together for 3 years and waited another two years after that to get married, but that was okay because after that first kiss I was like “welp, don’t have to worry about dating anyone else ever again! I’m just going to settle into this.” We never had

Sometimes a rush means that the couple doesn’t really get to know each other and it blows up. They’re high on chemistry.

Why in the fuck does there need to be more than one accuser?!

I Go To The Zoo is amazing, I really love Nathaniel. I loved Darrell’s song about his sperm, I actually sent it to a friend of mine who had gotten his sperm tested and he cracked up. I’m glad to hear people who don’t like musicals like it, I really want more people to get into it.

They banned him from a club because people complained about his behaviour. They have no business doing a criminal investigation. They’re a comedy club, what kind of investigation do you expect them to do?

First off: you are not “defective”. As you’re seeing from the comments here, a lot of us are not people...uh...people. What a weird sentence. Anyway, I would say if something is actually bothering you about how you feel, it might not be a bad idea to talk to someone about that. Depression? Anger issues? Who knows?

You are not alone in that feeling. I feel like I can’t have friends because I just can’t be emotionally available so it is just easier to isolate. I waiver between accepting that this isn’t just who I am and fighting against it. The struggle is real.

I feel you completely. I don’t think I’m depressed though. Our society tries to point you out as defective if you’re not a social butterfly with an Instagram following in the thousands, but you know what? We’re fine. We’re normal. We are happy, particularly when we are alone and in the woods. Hence, it is not

It sounds like depression, especially coupled with your username. It’s worth seeking help with a therapist. People are difficult though. I feel you there.

Sorry, I don’t have any advice because I’m not a people person either, and also have dreams of living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Just want to say ... your user name checks out!

Really? I found each episode was a fascinating experience, and especially the first 4-5 felt really breathless, like I was being drawn into this insane exciting world and I never really had a moment to catch my feet (in a good way). Then around the time that they get ambushed, everyone on the team really gelled. I

yep, I remember, SFO or San Jose? I can’t remember, though I think it was San Jose.

Sorry about the wall o’ text, but this Dahmer-related story deserves to be told.