I can't wait to be dead

Maybe he’s a different person in actuality than his public persona or the roles he’s played? He’s not actually Dr. John Dorian, and Scrubs went off the air 12 years ago. His overall public persona to me seems rather affable and inoffensive. They’ve been together a long time now, and they seem happy, so why does anyone

I see the headline and get excited. I read the pull quote and I just ...

I gave my boss a heads up this week that was basically, “hey, we both know I’m overqualified for my current position, and if this is the direction we’re headed you should know I’m not excited about it and am going to look for something that matches my qualifications.” I work for a nonprofit because I care about their

Yay for getting out! You will feel so much better I promise! 

If you’ve got something lined up at the end of that 30 days, be firm about leaving. [Even if you don’t, that’s a long goodbye, so don’t allow them to squeeze more from you than they already have.]

I find this response fascinating. To be honest, I never question the value of exploring the decline of a television show—it’s been on for nine seasons, and the built-up emotional investment makes exploring and understanding its failures to be a valuable critical project for me personally, and clearly for others who

“Many people need desperately to receive this message: ‘I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.’”

Rant away. It's part of what SNS is for.

Chocolate.  Chocolate is the point.  And cheesecake.  Cheesecake is sometimes the point.

Sometimes it feels like enough is enough, but we are here to listen. Hugs to you. 

There is always a point to this. Sending you love. 

Know the feeling well but sometimes a good rant just feels liberating. Go for it!

I actually feel the same way. Please re-post whatever it was. Maybe there IS a point.

Hey, there’s always a point. People do care. Big hugs for whatever is troubling you. 

Men think that hugging someone feels great and welcome for the (of course female) hug-ee, and what it actually feels like is an embrace by a rotting zombie and about as welcome. Not good.

No advice, but bringing you out of the greys.

I’m not sure what you like to eat, but this is my basic life. I’m omnivorous but don’t do dairy, and I naturally do intermittent fasting (eating between 11 and 7).

My son has ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I made him a bed size weighted blanket for Christmas last year, and he loves it. He started sleeping so much better and would try to walk around the house wearing it. I ended up making him a snuggle size one for the couch and one made out of bedsheets for warmer weather.

Once again I entreat Jezebel to PLEASE stop giving attention to that shit family and their shit ideas. 
