I can't wait to be dead

I’ve seen Skinamarink a couple of times, mostly because the first time I watched it, I kept getting impatient and trying to skim the whole video. But then I sat down and watched it in an empty room without any distractions and it successfully creeped me out. So much that I’ve woken up a few time in the middle of the


I hope he gets stabbed in jail.

I’ve already been called a murderer when some find out I did IVF to get pregnant. It blows my fucking mind.

Somehow I’m not surprised any of this happened. Mulaney is a garbage person, something he has not bothered hiding and has talked about before in his stand up. Is it because he looks like a little boy and wears suits? 

As someone who did IVF, going after IVF is what truly boggles my mind. Like, we are pro-having the babies. We want all the babies. When anti-abortionists go after things that we literally cannot have control over (miscarriage, when an embryo doesn’t implant, when an embryo is not viable for life due to chromosomal

I’d say I get about 20 TikTok’s a day of people ranting about Munn and Mulaney. It’s kind of insane.

That’s fine, just don’t take away my Origins Charcoal Mask

I’m reading My Year of Rest and Relaxation and The Lonesome Bodybuilder and Mouthful of Birds. I mostly read short story fiction and I don’t know if you’re into that sort of thing. I highly highly recommend Mouthful of Birds, especially the first story. 

So as some of you may remember, last week I put in my 30 day notice and immediately was met with a “OMG WHYYY WE LOVE YOU” which makes my eyes roll out of my face. But after a long talk with my husband and a talk with my manager, I’m just going to be working 3 days a week, with one of those days just working from

This job I’m leaving is also a nonprofit and I feel like what you’ve said and what I’ve experienced are typical of nonprofit work (from what I’ve been told). Lots of overqualified people working crappy positions.

Thank you! 

It’s in our policy/handbook that anyone leaving needs to give 30 day notice. I could just not play by the rules and tell them I’m leaving in 2 weeks and to suck it. I’m still thinking about changing it down to 2 weeks. 

After enduring another painful week of my miserable job, and not getting the promotion I was pretty sure I was going to get, and realizing that my office was not going to get its shit together any time soon, I finally quit. My boss was pretty sad and kept asking, “What can we do to make you stay??” and I wanted really

It does, thank you. Quitting in my mind has been my strategy this past week and it has helped a little, but I don’t think I can just pretend like that forever. I think I can mentally only take 6 more months of this job. I’ve also considered trying to make my side hustle a full-time thing and just trying to save money

I feel trapped in my job. It was a bait and switch. It’s been nearly 6 months and I still haven’t been trained for the job I was hired for. Now they’ve stuck me at the front desk as a receptionist for whatever reason and I’m miserable. It’s a job that is beyond overwhelming and leaves me depressed, stressed out, and

I started posting this long rant but then deleted all of it because what is the point of anything anymore. 

There....are no words....

I’m a case manager for a non-profit in downtown San Francisco. Most of the clients on my load have severe mental health issues and drug addiction. Or they’re chronically homeless and dealing with mental health issues. Or sometimes all three of those things. A lot of my clients are great, wonderful people, but

I’m quitting my incredibly unhealthy, stressful, bullshit job to focus on other endeavors that can generate an income while keeping me sane. After a client’s 3rd attempt to assault me because she keeps coming to the office high on meth and cannot handle someone telling her “no,” I’ve fucking had it. I also have