I can't wait to be dead

So after 3 months on the job, my supervisor asked me if I would go for the case manager position that just freed up. I want it more than anything, not just because it’s more money but also because it’s doing more social work duties and interacting with clients who are in crisis more, and working more in the jails and

When I lived in New York, my boyfriend of 4 years eventually emotionally cheated on me with some woman on Flickr. At the time I really loved him and thought it was heading toward eventual marriage, but then I noticed that we weren’t really having sex anymore (I would have to “schedule” it over text message), and he

I was a heavy weed smoker for the past 20 years and right after I accepted an offer for a real big-boy serious as fuck after-college career-starting job, smoking weed suddenly became unbareable. I started getting anxiety and panic attacks like never before (ones where I wasn’t able to leave the house). My body would

Something weird happened at work yesterday. My supervisor walked up to me while I was talking to a co-worker about a client, and he put his arm around me. Nearly everyone around us stopped what they were doing and just stared. It triggered my anxiety and I feel like my mind just walked out the door and I don’t


I feel like screaming/need to rant: I live in a really shitty city in the bay area that is basically a trash town - and I say that literally. The town has a huge problem with people just dumping piles of trash on every street and there isn’t really any street cleaning.

Michael Angarano will always be Bertie from The Knick, to me. 

Thank you for the suggestions! I need to get with the times and buy a crock pot like a normal red blooded American.

Yo, it’s been a while.

It’s a shitty excuse. I’m surprised, as well. Also, if this is his “coping” thing, he’s been overdoing it and should move the fuck on to something else. 

I really hate the word “hubby.”

When I lived in New York, I was invited to a Halloween party that was happening after I got off work in the UES. I was having a pretty shitty day and not sure if I could handle going to a party. My friend coerced me into going and gave me a fake mustache as a costume. I was already wearing a red and white baseball

It is. It’s my first real actual job that isn’t making coffee for $9 an hour. And it’s a job that’s related to what I majored in college so I don’t feel like I earned a totally useless degree.

I finally landed a job! A few months before I graduated in June, I got struck with “uh, what am I going to do with my life after I graduate?” and it’s been one long mental breakdown ever since. I slipped into the worst depression of my life and I applied for this job at 3 AM thinking I would never be considered for it

Good. Their shitty products are not worth all this bullshit. 

I’m having a period from hell right now. It’s been 4 straight days of bleeding - think the blood elevators from The Shining. I can’t really walk or move around because: everything hurt. I’m also a ball of tears and screams. I did finish Maniac and enjoyed the hell out of it. The world isn’t total garbage, right? No,

Good. She should get the fuck away from her gross trash family.

Eew, Louis Litt should not be invited to anything that’s above ground because he’s basically a gopher-man.

She looks like she could be Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ sister.

best quote from the news clip: