I can't wait to be dead

Looking into the story as well, I thought the same thing, but didn’t want to be the first person to voice that thought. I’ll always give the benefit of the doubt, but the story made it come off like petty airing of dirt rather than actually pointing at predatory behavior.

You spelled broccoli wrong.

I’m honestly laughing my ass off, because this is the most ridiculously wide gap between the pre-air review of something on this site and the actual reviews that I’ve seen in a long time. Did Ashley Ray Harris only watch the pilot or something? That first episode was genuinely good (the only episode of this show that

Can you imagine how bad the bunk house must have smelled later that night?

As someone who was just committed to a psychiatric hospital a couple of months ago (on my birthday no less), I can tell you that “breakdowns” do not magically turn you into a racist, antisemitic, violent person. You are much more likely to hurt yourself. When I peak in a manic episode, for example, I have reached the

As a woman interviewed by the Root said earlier this week: “Racism is white people’s problem. They started it. They need to fix it.”

Beginning of Season 6: Special Agent Dale Cooper takes Frank Underwood’s hand and walks with him through the woods. Cooper turns around and Frank has disappeared. He never existed. 25 years later, Agent Cooper finds himself in an alternate dimension, living under the name Frank Underwood and becomes President.

I’ve quickly learned (from Captain Awkward: go there right now if you’ve never been, I have grown so much as a person and a “bitch) that having a “script” of responses takes a lot of the pressure off. Next time potential FIL says something racist, look him in the eye, let the silence become just a bit uncomfortable,

Come on Aline, maybe just leave off the Bronte adaptations,OK?

Sorry to spoil January 19, 2017 for you. It was also the last day of the Obama Administration. Was that a spoiler? Did I spoil that for you too?

... there’s a disclaimer at the top of the article.

My wife just told me that she thought King did a better job than usual of writing the woman’s point of view in “Gerald’s Game”. I had just been thinking the same thing. We read it when it first came out, but I plan to re-read it now to see if I still agree.

You seem even more obsessed with Kirk Cameron’s mom than The Root is with calling bad things “white.”

I hope you never spoke to her again. In fact, I think you should send her e-mail address to every shitty Sweatshop on the planet.

I do not know, suddenly one day I was not grey and I usually write stupid stuff.

yep — my high school routinely ran out of paper - PAPER - but could afford to build a 6 million dollar wall for the football field. lovely.

This Column’z Not Okay.

I miss Caity Weaver.

I think she’s following Olenna’s advice here. Bad idea, but she has no idea that Jon Snow does not want to be king.

Unlike a lot of people here, I like Dany, but ... I totally agree with you on that scene. That scene was just embarrassing.