I can't wait to be dead

He does audio books.... the best audio books...

“Coming through, coming through. Make way!” “Yes? What is it you have to say to the group of prominent world leaders?” “I just need to be in the front, because I’m the best.”

yes. get out.

Living alone is amazing even after great roommates. I had the pleasure of living all by my lonesome for about a year before I had a friend who’s relationship fell apart and moved in. We’re still super close but there are times when I resent the fact that there is another human in my space. I secretly look forward

**Catalina update**


What flavor of potato chips? I’ve been hella into the Ruffles “All Dressed” lately. They’ve even replaced sour cream and onion as my favorite chips. Well done, Canada.

This is nothing short of horrifying. CBS needs to fucking stop.

You gave me an explosion of laughter at that body description. Please tell me you’re an English major. Don’t ever stop!!

Can they let this die a peaceful and dignified death, already?

I think the United States would be in similar (fucked) state with Pence at the helm. But I think he’s more likely to limit the damage to within the country, whereas Trump is more dangerous for the world at Large.

In my dream world, Trump would resign or be impeached, and EVERY political person in the country shuts down ANYTHING Pence tries to do. Any legislation, anything. If they were ALL dead set against the president they could do a lot.

Yeah, I just posted about an asshole in the comments on Fusion who was saying it’s irresponsible to not have at least $500 savings for emergencies or unemployment. After I responded to him about graduating into the 2008 crash and being sexually harassed/company acquisition fired out of jobs with no warning, in

YES. This. Although on paper my husband and I finally make a respectable living, we live in southern California. So it barely counts as respectable. Plus, we are so bogged down with debt from high interest rates and not having a lot of choices when we weren’t making much that we’re a tiny turn of bad luck away from

It’s weird that your reply in your own thread is grey! Maybe if I reply, it will ungrey?

It makes me think of this quote by Elizabeth Warren:

Keep working hard and keep your head up. That’s all you can do. I hope things get better for you soon. Sending hugs.

I only regret that I have but one star to give.

I’ve heard similar “advice” at various dark times in my life, and I have zero patience for it now. It’s so vapid and out of touch that it’s downright insulting.