I can't wait to be dead

I know its supposed to be pronounced “fire”, but i keep reading it as “fry”. Then i get confused/hopeful that this was a french fry festival and wonder how they would fuck that up.

Crazy & evil. Any one who calls themselves ‘pro-life’ and acts against birth control and any and all contraception is crazy & evil.

As someone with family in South Korea, what the everloving fuck, is this?!

NPR reports that confusion reigns as to why precisely the appearance was cancelled

I just watched the finale of “The Feud” and LA must have a “Feud Day.” I watched every second of every episode of “The Feud” with rapt attention and may have stopped breathing at a few points. I will fly out. I will go visit Bette Davis and Bob Aldrich and Joan Blondell at Forest Lawn, and then track down Hedda Hopper

They equate “No one is listening to me ” to “My rights are being suppressed!!!!!1" It’s so fucking tiresome.

Exactly. They are fed by this. It is unfortunate that there are a subset of people who love to feed them even if they don’t know that is what they are doing.

White affluent Republicans in particular love nothing more than playing the victim.

White rich boys are never going to look like victims, no matter how hard they try.

A fucking MEN!

As someone posted above the NK missile that they tested was crap so we are safe for now. Your pap smear will probably come out ok. Try not to think about it until you hear back.

Pointless story time! I was walking back from the gym yesterday and all of a sudden felt something hit my face warm and gooey. It got all over my glasses, which I never wear.

Bear with me and my pictures because we went out for our first hike since winter ended!

I have two life updates for you:

Correction, according to the wiki: “The ritual requires the Handmaid to lie on her back between the legs of the Wife during the sex act as if they were one person.” 

Now playing

Yes, she lays between them like a living blanket. This SFW interpretation is pretty accurate. (1:17)

Yup. The wife holds her from behind. It’s like the wife is holding an artificial uterus between her legs, only it isn’t artificial.

Every morning when I wake up and check my Twitter feed and see that this piggy-eyed weasel fucker hasn’t died during the night, I’m so immensely disappointed with the universe.

Do it, baby. I’ll be hurt, but it’s time to peel this scab off. Destroy yourself by trying to destroy us, you fucking goon.

How did you determine you had ADHD? I’m struggling with focus and being easily distracted to the point that it is (and I think has) contributed to career struggles for me. I don’t know if I have ADD or ADHD or if I am just really that unhappy in my choice of career that I self sabotage.