I can't wait to be dead

That’s amazing! It feels so good when you finally get the right combination of medications to feel like your best self, and it sounds like you’re doing some really cool shit with your career and research.

I’m going to need to go back on anti-depressants soon and I’m not looking forward to it (nothing has worked long term in the past so I keep thinking it’s pointless) but your comment made me optimistic. Thank you.

I got my dream job. Literally my dream job. I start in May. I am freaking out. I now have to quit my job and move and start this huge new process but I’m so fucking thrilled and I can’t believe it. Holy shit. It’s not quite official but I’m waiting for my contract to be sent to me (Tuesday) before I announce it but

I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.

I can’t even quantify how much enjoyment my husband and I have gotten from the “wait I’ve got something in my eye” thing in bed.

My friend’s sister wanted to get a weed card for *depression*. AKA a disorder that already makes you tired and out of it. The NJ list of reasons is ridiculous. It’s basically only conditions for people who are dying and doesn’t even include arthritis for old people (I looked into it to see if it would be possible to

3/7/2017, 5am’ish.

Save some dicks for my mouth!

Well, that’s too bad, the all-knowing authors have deemed you a freakazoid. Also, if you prefer giving BJs, you’re a mythical CoolGirl who doesn’t exist. Obviously you’re actually Donald Trump’s anonymous Jezebel account. Begone!

There’s a certain loneliness to it.

I’m so sorry for everything you’re going through. It’s so fucking hard to pull yourself out of a deep depression to begin getting help, but you will get there!

BTW Donna was hot.

Tough shit. I’m tired of being Captain Save-a-Ho to the rest of the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing country. It’s not MY job to drag you kicking and screaming into the 20th century.

Maybe he can’t catch a break because of all the shitty things he continues to do without apologizing.

It’s worth remembering that white women as a demographic went for Trump, but individual white women who didn’t vote for him shouldn’t be held accountable for that just as all black people shouldn’t be held accountable for a black individual committing a crime, and Muslim communities shouldn’t have to answer as a whole

Well one of them is dead, so...

They had about 150-200 people at the event today you are talking about. A Breitbart camera crew were there and live-streamed it and it’s also on Milo’s youtube channel.

He’s scheduled to speak at my school on inauguration day. I firmly told my teachers and my boss that I will NOT be on campus that day, because I think it won’t be a safe environment. I’m working remotely from home that day while I knit and read.