I can't wait to be dead

sometimes my cat looks weird

You gotta go down to HR and knock on the door and yell “CAAARRRROOOLLLLL!”


I’m curious (but only if you want to answer) - why do you hate being married?

Okay, I know that UnReal had a really shitty second season for the most part, but all I can think is that I wish Everlasting WAS a real show so that Lochte would be forced to go on it to rehab his image, and then Rachel, Quinn, and the gang would ensure that his life is ruined and that he is humiliated again on

I’m 31 now, and I remember having a conversation with a college friend when we were both 25. She was like, “do you remember being a kid and thinking that 25 was SO OLD, and that you would DEFINITELY have all your shit together by then? Like, 100% solid career track, white picket fence house, dog, husband, etc.”

U are a Krafty one aren’t ya!

I was about to write a wildly over-familiar comment but then I redacted it. You’re welcome.

You are the shero we both wanted and deserve.

You Muenster!

Okay but it also has a clause preventing you from bringing up their supposed sanctimony when none of them has even said anything to you.

do it friend, just do it. black lady here married to awesome guy who’s family has weird racist trump supporters that somehow forget I’m black. the gloves are off for me, I’m going full steam fuck you on everyone. i will not go to your house and I’m cutting you off forever.I have ZERO fucks left to give

Since you’re doing to be drunk, when he starts “might as well vote Trump”, start yelling at him various planks in the GOP platform that he will be supporting when he votes Trumpence. Being faced with reality may not change his mind, but you get the chance to drunkenly shout “restore dignity to women by denying them

Kaine is why you’re staying in Paris? I sort of think you just want to stay in Paris and you’re looking for an excuse.

The Panoxyl that my dermatologist recommended is non-prescription. If a dermatologist is off the table, maybe give that a try? In my wildest dreams I wouldn’t have guessed rosacea was going on with my breakouts. The thing that weirded me out was that nothing came out when I tried to pop them (yep, gross). As far as

Don’t pick is so important and I try so damn hard but... Sometimes I pick.

Listen I never even had acne as a teen - in fact my skin was the envy of all my friends. I could count on one hand the number of spots I had. It was beautiful. I never needed to wear foundation, or even take care of it beyond soap and water and a bit of cheap moisturiser.

I feel like such a shill every time I comment on one of these acne articles, but Curology got me clear skin for the first time at 32.

I heard somewhere that Marilyn Monroe glowed because she had superfine blond hairs everywhere. I thought my super long, super dark arm hair was embarrassing when I was 9, but nothing like starting to have to tweeze chin hair in your 20s and then turning 35 and realize you’ve stopped giving a fuck about the black fuzz

I am an old. My adult acne stopped the second peri-menopause began. Sort of back-handed good news, I know, but aging has a benefit or two.