I can't wait to be dead

Agreed. Broccoli is awesome. My kids, who will not eat anything, love broccoli. No salt; no butter. Straight broccoli. I consider this my greatest achievement as a parent.

Yes, that is what I just said. Seals are not dolphins.

You are the opposite of terrible. Kids are terrible.

I’m sure a billion other people will tell you this (and everyone is different) but I had mine out and I am mostly 100% normal. For a couple years afterward eating anything fried or with lots of greasy cheese (wahhhhh pizza) was bad news but now it usually doesn’t matter.

As a guy who suffers from IBS, and spends lots of time in airplanes, this is like my worst nightmare.

When Miley was here filming LOL, a few people I know were working as grips on the set. One of her tour guides while she was here was a scratch DJ with a library of Detroit hip hop vinyl that goes back to the early eighties, and more knowledge of Detroit hip hop and rave culture than anyone I know. By his own

I get this is a rant, and I understand your frustrated about the prospect of gentrification endangering local businesses. However, I think your reaction is rather harsh. I would hate to think that my neighbors were judging me, and concluding I was a shitty stupid person, based on the bags I came back with one day.

Signs you hate your child: you dress him up like African-Alderaanian Princess Leia and take him to a monster truck show.