I can't wait to be dead

Yeah i’m already on a bunch of meds for that. They help but, I still feel like I don’t belong with people or in society. Maybe I’m on the Asperger’s spectrum.  

Eew, cults. Aren’t they all happy and sedated all the time?

I think I hate people and interacting with people in any way, shape, or form. It’s not developing into anything serious where I act on my displeasure for other people, but there is a very strong part of myself that wants to live somewhere remote and away from the rest of society. Something about how I feel is worrying

Ugh, Lena Dunham.

Not only that, but I have a huge problem with Kate picking out a dog, filling out the forms, and then being like “no, sorry. I can’t.”

Yup! I remember being really frustrated because it just kept happening and nothing was really being done about it. But then what possibly could be done about it? You can’t just lock her away. Ultimately it would have to come down to her going to jail, but she’s just going to get out and do it again. Maybe just let her

Jesus christ, this lady again.

what is up with BLACK OLIVES on sandwiches??


I’ve asked myself this question so many times and I think his endgame is to just run his administration like The Apprentice because he wants attention, he wants people to be in shock and awe of the things he says and does, he wants to bully people and have everyone see it and talk about all his bullying on twitter, he

I was a server for 11 years and customers stacking plates was super helpful. Unless it’s a stack of 20 plates with a shit ton of forks sticking out beneath every plate, I don’t really see what the issue is.

I doubt it will, because Mindy Kaling is a terrible actress.

  • A source says “it seems like [Lindsay Lohan] is trying to rebrand.” [Page Six]


lol me too. Too old. It all just sounds the same. The same little background electronic beats and same robotic voices singing dumb shit lyrics. It’s all bland and gross.

I guess this is what music is now.

It actually gives me the creeps and a giant eye roll when a male celebrity (jeez, or really ANY men - famous or not) says, “You know, I consider myself a feminist...” I don’t know...why....I just fucking hate it and it makes me cringe.

The first episode is available to watch for free on Hulu. Showtime’s doing a thing where they’re offering free random episodes of all of their shows. So if you have Hulu, you’d be in luck there.

Getting text replies hours later is annoying as hell, but not responding at all is super angering (to me). Especially if you’re someone with terrible anxiety.