Going to start a dating site for people whos kink is watching Robert Kraft get tugged off. Thinking of calling it Kraft Singles
Going to start a dating site for people whos kink is watching Robert Kraft get tugged off. Thinking of calling it Kraft Singles
After all these years, an annoying white guy who won’t go away finally gets me to root for Duke.
So by the time this guy was 25, he had been married, was a D-1 basketball assistant coach and then a head coach, had an affair with one of his players, got that player pregnant, resigned from his head coaching job and then got divorced?
Who wins Bombers vs. Jets? Militarily, I mean.
yeah well, at least these Jet updates won’t kill anybody
He would have lasted longer if he was thinking about baseball.
In the AAF, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The players who were suckered into wasting months of their life, and the owners who will somehow cash out and profit on an obvious disaster. These are their stories.
Successfully avoids being mind-controlled by liberal government conspiracy, but all of his teeth fall out simultaneously due to his total avoidance of fluoridated water and toothpaste.
I’m not a fancy big-city businessman with hundreds of millions of dollars to throw at pet projects like a developmental football league, but this seems like the kind of issue I would have straightened out before investing $250 million into a league that might have to fold before it’s first season is up because there’s…
Have they considered just not paying players and instead offer them experience and worthless degrees?
He’s 3/5ths the outfielder that Brett Gardner is!
Oh fuck that. Star.
I love this reply-thread more than I’ve loved one in a long time. Your apology was adorable — and let’s give piles of stars to Googly’s original joke!!
I feel bad that my comment got a decent amount of fanfare and your joke didn’t. And I typically loathe FTFY comments so I feel doubly bad. I know they’re just fake internet stars, but my comment wouldn’t exist to receive any had you not made a good, if slightly imperfect joke. So thank you, and sorry.
She’s just trying to Kerber
I don’t understand why he didn’t wait until June 9th to announce this.
Take your damn star.
the interfering stuffed animal is now in prison, where it absolutely belongs