Any truth to the rumour the Texans are going to send over some blankets as an apology?
Any truth to the rumour the Texans are going to send over some blankets as an apology?
He mutinied.
You can also use it to kick a single point, which would be useful if the game is tied or you’re down one on the last play.
The halo doesn’t apply to an onside player, or the kicker.
How is getting to miss six Bills games considered punishment?
Judge to NFLPA: “You might not make it after all.”
“That’s not the worst reaction I’ve seen to my managing.” - J. Farrell
Oh sure, it looks good but 3 Canadian RBIs are only worth 2.32 US.
If he had a red flag, it would be a challenge.
It’s better than covering the empty seats with blankets....
I don’t think the Redskins should be bragging about getting blanket coverage....
Perhaps it’s nostalgia. 17-38 used to be the Royals’ record at Memorial Day every year.
How is Nintendo Hockey not on this list?
+20% nicer.
This is why Russell Wilson’s baseball career didn't work out; he wouldn't go past third base.
This is an unconscionable breach of the firewall between Kinja and a working comment system.
So under the terms of the revised lease agreement, the City of Glendale still has to bend down and grab its ankles, but it’s no longer required to thank the Coyotes for the privilege. Have I got that right?