
I was playing basketball once and two kids knocked knees, which hurts like a motherfucker, and the one who I guess got the worst of it did an almost perfect "ooh wah ah ah ah" as he went to the ground. Awesome story I know!

Thanks, that is about what I would have expected.

I get your point, but I think you are stretching this analogy.

That is a good starting point. But I think you have to go further. Looking at people in similar socioeconomic classes - I think one thing to look at is schools that are otherwise very similar, but where one has a higher Greek population (or better if one has no Greek population). Just looking at the ratios at the

You are so opulent online!

Enjoy your cats and ice cream.

I thought Godwin's Law only applied to comparing people to Nazis. I'm just using a known historical event to make an analogy. Which you of course ignored because it so clearly blew up your argument. Instead you falsely characterized my statement. Great job all the way around. Your last statement really sums up

Do you actually not understand the implications of the distinction as it relates to the role of fraternities in campus safety? It is like this: In WWII all the Nazis wore swastikas and they were killing Jews. Your mindset is that if we could just get the Nazis to stop wearing swastikas then the Jews would be safe.

It just reminds me so much of the people who blame rap music or video games for violence.

So your issue is more with parties? Or specifically fraternity parties?

Does it though? Or do people with those qualities join fraternities. When I was in law school a lot of kids I knew were from fraternities and they talked about kids like that, but they weren't like that (mostly). As in, just joining a fraternity didn't turn them into assholes, just a lot of assholes joined

I think you are using extortion because it is a loaded term. What I'm telling you is that networking is important. Just like education is important. Networking is actually pretty much free. You can of course choose to join a Greek organization, but not joining doesn't preclude you from networking. I got my first

Have there been any studies done to show a connection between Greek presence on campus and rates of sexual assault, etc.? I think it is a convenient scapegoat and the energy devoted to kicking fraternities off campus would probably be much better served elsewhere. I mean, do you honestly think joining a fraternity

I wasn't Greek, but I've always found it odd how many articles/comments are devoted to hating them. Seriously, who fucking cares what social organization someone else joins?

What she is talking about is reality. Most people get jobs through connections. If you want to buck that trend be my guest, but it is going to be rough sledding.

I'm not opposed to them doing the right thing. But I also don't think of Coca Cola as a person. We as American people need to tell our government to do the right thing. Why are you so insistent on putting this solely at the feet of Coca Cola? Are you a Pepsi shill? What is it? They are sponsoring a soccer event.

Funny that you would rather Obama punish Coca Cola than stop slavery. Can we just stop the pretending and admit this has everything to do with hating corporations and nothing to do with human rights?

How is it funny? I don't think an Ivy is better at meting out justice than a court. The problem here is not Columbia, it is either the police or the DA. And also education in that this girl waited 7 months to report her rape. That doesn't make it her fault, but report any crime 7 months late and see how much

I'd say North Korea and everyone who enables their communist form of government is pretty responsible. How about Obama and the State Department. They could force Coca-Cola to not associate with them. So Obama, by staying silent, is giving his endorsement. Right? I mean, surely you aren't suggesting Coke is more

Honestly why isn't this protest happening at the police station or at city hall? It isn't the schools job to be a criminal prosecutor. That she expects, and that so many support, an extra-judicial punishment of a student where no criminal action has been proven, is pretty appalling. I mean, she was probably raped.