
See, they don't see it that way. That Columbia hasn't bent to the will of those that want extra-judicial charges of rape to ruin people's lives where there is a criminal justice system designed exactly to address this problem doesn't mean that they are neglecting their students. It means that for once they are not

So in other words, Columbia needs to send the message that you are not responsible for your actions? Ok, got it.

Qatar is using slave labor. Coca-Cola is not Qatar. The connection is too tenuous to make the statement that Coke supports slavery. It would be no less accurate to say Obama supports slavery. Or even that you support slavery. This is simply placing the blame for geopolitics on a corporation in order to capitalize



I'm going to die young anyway.


"Coca-Cola Supports Slavery"

I was literally drinking a Coke when I clicked on this article. Somehow these miscreants not wanting me to drink it makes it taste better.

This is a hit piece against Coke. Which fits the GM model. Go after every large corporation for any ills of the world, regardless of causation, reality, etc. It stirs up the drum circle crowd and gets lots of clicks.