
I have to be honest.. this story seems juicy with some possible sex stuff, cheating, douchbaggery phone snitching, blackmail and the like... I think I saw allegations of a private room strip club foracble titty sucking ...but I dont know who the fuck these people are

There have been. There is a slightly higher incidence of rapes connected to fraternity members than to non-fraternity members, but it's seriously only very slightly. People tend to think otherwise because fraternity rapes get much more press than random rapes at house parties.

Considering there is more anger at GM directed at Coca Cola, whose agreement is with FIFA, by the way, than at Qatar, who is actually using the slave labor, I think you are 100% correct.

As a former sorority girl who was raped at a frat house , I still have so many mixed feelings about this.

Rape will only stop when they stop letting men attend college, which I honestly believe should happen. Let men be laborers.

When people talk about making work connections, they're rarely talking about other collegiate members. They're either taking about mentoring link-ups with local alumnae—a lot of chapters do this, linking up current collegiate members with local alums in their field to answer questions, help hook them up with

Should they foot the bill for every student-led protest/cause?

I get that it looks tacky. But, I am seriously, earnestly asking: There are costs associated with cleanup. What are they supposed to do?

Why shouldn't they pay? They are littering. Someone, apparently not them, has to clean it up.

If Deadspin refuses to cover the World Cup, accepting all of the reduced traffic that came from that decision, then I would believe that this was a legitimate piece. But I'm guessing come 2018, they are going to cover every big game and rake in that sweet, sweet advertising money that comes along with it.

"4. We shouldn't be teaching people how to kick men in the balls; we should be teaching men not to do anything that would make us have to kick them in the balls.

I'm a republican and I agree with Obama here. Maybe lay off all the hate.

well, you are wrong. YOU can get aids from a toilet seat granted only if you are dumb enough to sit down on a seat that has actual waste from an infected person, pulling out is effective just isn't fool proof since sperm can be transferred before actual ejaculation, homosexuals ARE very often pedophiles as any victim

Pulling out IS effective, just not if you do it wrong. All things are ineffective if done wrong.

I actually have to disagree with you on the pulling out part. It not working is actually the myth. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but please watch this video made by a clinical sexologist.

Of course it is completely ineffectual when it comes to STDs, and it demands a lot of discipline. Which is why I would not