
I encourage Trump to soon as soon as possible fire AG Sessions, who many members of congress admire, fire the Special Prosecutor Mueller who most of congress respects, and also fire Priebus who is a personal friend of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. I’m sure with Republican starting to awaken to just how valuable his

He killed their mother in front of the kids! Jesus wept. I’m going home and crawling into my bong.

Don’t spend time in Fucking Arizona: Tips for a Democratic Presidential Campaign or just, you know, life in general

I just want to say I am tired of how much shit this woman has gotten from the left too. I have an aquaitance and he LOVES LOVES to shit on her continously whenever we talk about politics. He has a complete inability to move on. He always brings up the election and losing was her fault and Bernie would have won and

All that gesturing and personal space violation, christ! I want to reach through the screen and break off his hands!

My father, who made $200K+/year as a banker 20 years ago, and likely has multiple millions in savings (at least he did when we talked about it a decade ago) called me, a public school teacher with negative net worth, an elitist when I dared challenge him on his Trump vote this summer.

I hate the insincere self deprecating schtick he’s going with.

The fucking WORST. Inherited fortune, traveling around in limos and helicopters his whole life, lives in a goddamn GOLDEN TOWER, but he’s just one of us regular ‘Muricans? Fuck him and fuck Scaramucci.

So, basically, he’s the tout at the door of the strip club the White House has become.

what the fuck?!

It seems like Trump had his Crazy Evangelical Day today.

That’s why they back him. They don’t need a true convert, they just need someone who will do what they want, which he at least occasionally will. Or, as I overheard a Christian say, Jeebus is “using the President to do His will, even though his heart may not be pure”.

I fucking hate this man with every fiber of my being. He’s such a cowardly worm of a man, with no respect for anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass.

He also said transgender people shouldn’t serve in the military in any way, which I guess is his way of being a friend to the LGBTQ community.

I was listening to a podcast a few weeks ago where they were analyzing novels by white supremacists and this fantasy of a white woman being violated by a brown or black person is a feature of almost all those novels. This imagery is straight out of the white supremacist handbook.

I am picturing bedazzled denim products

Jay-Z’s The Blueprint came out on 9/11. Everyone should reference that album whenever someone bitches about their career tanking thanks to a national tragedy.

She was always low woman on the TRL pop totem pole of that time.

As an Eagle Scout with good memories of the experience, it makes me genuinely sad to see how the organization has been totally co-opted. And it sickens me that people would actually cheer this idiot’s incoherent, self-absorbed rants.

The short statement emphasized that the “invitation for the sitting US President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition,” and is not an endorsement