King Friday

You can see her pantie liner.

They passed a law a few years back that kept all of the ACA benefits safe for themselves against repeal.

I’m, in fact, a practicing psychiatrist.

I have found two things to be absolutely true:

Wow. Usually on a Fox network, they talk about how good it feels to fuck Americans - not just one in particular.


Thanks. Maybe I’ll see you on the news with a sign, really showing the world how much you truly dislike... something.

Sigh. Re-read my comment. I’m not siding with Cromwell, but he had an idea on how to get things done.

Yeah, sometimes it takes 50, 60 years!

I’m not advocating violence, and I wouldn’t have sided with Oliver Cromwell, but he certainly had an idea.

Yeah, yeah, yeah — the left has been rockin’ the vote for years. That’s the go-to plan. Since then, we’ve gotten GOP-lite elected, at best. In the intervening years, what’s been our biggest win because of it? The ACA, which is almost dead? Executive Orders, which have been repealed?

Very much on the left. But this doesn’t mean I can’t critique how badly the left manages things. I feel sorry for those who think things are going great - because things aren’t going great, and we’re constantly grabbing the shit end of the stick. Instead taking hold of the proper end, we cry because our hands stink.

“You’re making strawman arguments” is the go-to defense of all critiques made against the left. That will only work for so long.

Please do, ‘cause all I see is some meek legal push back from the left, and people with “look at me! I’m an activist” buttons.

I live in New York City, and routinely go to them. I’ve been going to them since they started flaring up after 9/11, and GWB invaded Iraq.

“His name is Doug...”

Actions like the Watts riots and sanitation strikes in Memphis did far more good than the marches. While marches have some degree of merit, they are now nothing more than people doing slightly more than pretending to care.

You’re right. I mean, the right-wingers are doing nothing wrong. Libtards should be ok with the GOP ripping families apart, and calling it “law and order.”

And Republicans wouldn’t be happy if Obama did the same at an NRA convention, with him being black and all.

Oh, I understand how a democracy works, but I’ll be damned if these low-stakes marches are doing any bit of good. Please, enlighten me as to the effectiveness, and what changes they’ve brought about.