Don’t do what? Point out that the liberal’s limp-dick approach to fighting the right-wingers isn’t working? Yeah, you’re right. Best to let those who are marching feel better about themselves in their low-stakes war on what they think is wrong.
Don’t do what? Point out that the liberal’s limp-dick approach to fighting the right-wingers isn’t working? Yeah, you’re right. Best to let those who are marching feel better about themselves in their low-stakes war on what they think is wrong.
True. I guess we can blow smoke up peoples asses about how much we love Jesus an’ hate ‘bortion and the gays, ‘cause they ain’t proper. But lets arm everyone to the teeth and split innocent children from their parents.
Wait, we’re immigrating people illegally? I’ve never done that. However, I’m pretty fucking pissed the “family values” and “pro-life” party is splitting up families in a cruel attempt to punish them.
Well, considering marching has really improved the cardiovascular health of all those who have participated, I say nothing would work better!
Good! Another protest! They’ve been working so well, so far. I mean, we’ve all gathered a number of times to tell Trump how much we hate ‘im! We’ve marched for women, and that produced some really cool knitted caps!
There is something uniquely comforting watching fat, bald, American men who are inching towards retirement play “God Save The Queen”. It’s as if the current mess we’re all in somehow makes sense.
If you’re the kind of guy who uses the word “dude”, “random” and “awesome” a lot, and would describe yourself as “sarcastic”, then I’m sure you would.
I don’t think my parents remember or care which school I graduated from.
Hey, well, at least he’ll have a gif to remember this by, right?
How big is the font? I’m guessing it’s pretty large. He seems like the kind of guy who would try and pad the book with big font.
I was mortified once when someone walked into a public washroom as I was wiping my arse.
“...but I care for her/him deeply.”
I find most of these bring a distinct stale flavor to food, particularly everything bagel, and Old Bay. Those always taste like they’ve been sitting around for a few years.
but he talks about french fries using that voice. and then he follows it up with a question in another voice.
Blake Edwards. . . The only thing I like about his films are the inclusion of Henry Mancini scores.
I tried this, and it made cheap whiskey taste even worse. I didn’t expect magic, but I was hoping to make a mixing bourbon taste a little less cheap. Boy, was I wrong. It tasted like BBQ chips and bathtub booze were mixed together.
Please, then, what is the perfect recipe that everyone will love? You gotta back up your comment.