King Friday

Jclaxton is a Trumpal Justice Warrior. He’s protecting his idol.

Exactly. Trump looked pretty fit when he was a lad. Then McDonald’s and KFC happened to a weakened metabolism.

How is my comment of “He looks like his father at the roughly the same age” bullying? Are you a Neo-Con/Tea Party Justice Warrior?

He looks like his father at the roughly the same age.

The “this jacket rep-ru-zents mah i-duh-vi-ju-alitah” flick?

I could sit and watch someone beat a long-dead horse for days!

Exactly. No good will come from this guy giving half-assed advice.

In Trump’s America? Ha! Good luck getting a muslim in the states.

Just shut your mouth. No good will come of a straight white dude trying to advise a woman on interracial, inter-religious, intercontinental, lesbian affairs. Tell her to seek professional counseling.

And they pronounce it “VeeeeNum” in the movie.

On Sunday afternoon, I woke up from a nap to discover a power outage in my area. . . The first thing that popped into my mind was how I wouldn’t be able to cook dinner because everything runs on electric in my house.

Quick! To the man cave! Fire up a fat cigar, pour yourself a scotch, and prepare to bathe yourself in the glow of Goodfellas on last time.

Crawford is an artist on the TV series of Lethal Weapon, much the same way I was a master chef when I was 17 year old short order cook at a local diner.

Yeah, a regular Hemingway, and shit.

*slow movie clap*

I love to travel! I love different cultures! I love lugging a giant backpack through a city (for some reason...). I have a giant hat! I have a vest with a million pockets. I wear pants and shirts designed to wick away moisture! I have hiking boot-sneaker hybrids! I carry a camera with a big ol’ lens, and I stop in the

Audio-Technica makes some really solid turntables that are super affordable on the low end. 

Nope. It’s not my place to offer advice to women on how they present themselves.

God help you if you wanna look flawless. You’re not only wasting your time, but you’re probably putting yourself through unnecessary mental strain.