King Friday

Yeah, no.

I’ve figured out the Schumer’s secret recipe for jokes:

Meh. Neither funny, nor offensive. Sort of like the Bushmiller’s version.

If you’re scratching your head on what turn table to buy, just get one that won’t destroy your records.

Why is the title of this about newlyweds? Nothing in this video is directed at people who are just married.

The government! The same one that killed McCartney! Because those two were just spillin’ so many thruths, that the man just couldn’t handle it.

I stopped going to concerts years ago. I can’t be arsed with trying to enjoy music, often badly played, in a crowded venue full of pot smoke.

Ugh. Baby boomer movies should be buried alive.

I gotta say, I agree with Neil. Not everything is fucking awesome.

Just following the current trend of taking an old, upbeat pop song and making it. . . sad.

Our president might be plunging us into war and firing those who are investigating his criminal activities.

Hey, I for one, enjoy the 15 minutes of talk. Oh, then anther 10 minutes of belt unbuckling.

Who watches more than five minutes of porn, anyway?

Jesus. Get a haircut. Nobody should look like that.

I have a bidet. And you still need to wipe.

And HST was in a lot of pain those last couple of decades. While I’m not advocating living a squeaky clean life, I am advocating a good balance. If I’m going to live to be an old man, I at least want to be able to wipe my own ass without any pain of difficulty.

Y’know what is magical? Eating a lot less crap food, eating more fruit and veg, and exercising. It does wonders for the waistline. Who knew?

Yeah, but they still make more sense than the yanks.

So 99% of CEOs I’ve met are trash

In most of Asia, it is seen as improper for a boss to flaunt wealth.