
You can catch him at the Laugh Factory and the Comedy Store in LA…far cry from MSG.

Entertainment is like most other businesses in that any mindset supported by carefully chosen numbers has an opposite mindset that's equally supported by different carefully chosen numbers.

I'm embarrassed to say this had not even begun to cross my mind.

I loved Split and I'm on board with this in principle, but "Price emerges as an orchestrator who holds secrets critical to both men" sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

It's my favorite venue in Lors Angelers. The Rorxy is a close second.

Where can I get some of this sweet Oscar wine?

Yeah at this point they'd have to pipe in the audio from An Incovenient Sequel two theaters over to make this his least subtle work.

Can't wait to see who they bring in now to turn this into not an interesting movie at all.

Avatar. I don't think seeing it early on (in a theater) would have made it a better movie, but it certainly would have made it more enjoyable. I missed that experience and thought watching the bluray at home on a 42 inch screen would be an acceptable substitute. It was not.

I read about two dozen memoirs/story collections by comedians a couple years ago and found her books to be among the least interesting, so this is exciting to hear.

That first note after "missed the starting gun" is an experience in and of itself.

Are we approaching the point at which Netflix announces its new three-tier subscription structure? Tier 1 only gets you access to their originals, Tier 2 is only licensed content, Tier 3 is everything. I'd happily give up access to their original stuff and go Tier 2 if it was cheaper, but I have a feeling that's not

I actually do have the drag-and-drop sorting option, but it's barely useful because it doesn't do that thing where you can drag something to the bottom or top of the page and then it automatically slowly scrolls in that direction. So I can drag-and-drop sort within the 20 or so titles visible at any given moment, but

This bothers me too. I understand keeping your data proprietary, but I can't imagine Netflix has much to lose by allowing us to sort or search by all the genre/theme/subject tags they must use to generate their ratings projections.

I deal with this every time I watch a junky fun action movie on there. Bad Boys 2 is a 5-star good time for me, but I gave it 3 so the algorithm doesn't recommend Independence Day Resurgence in the event they add that to the service.

I just looked up how to manually sort the list this week, and it's barely functional. Could be because I've got a couple hundred titles in there, but I can only click "Send to Top" four or five times before it crashes and I have to reload the page. I choose to believe it would cost them too many boatloads of money to

The system has always been based purely on you. I never watched any of the Sandler movies either, and they displayed one star for me as well. But I've given 1s and 2s to other shitty comedies on Netflix before, and I've given 4s and 5s to a lot of horror and dramas, so Netflix knew those weren't for me and projected

Is anyone else having issus with the My List section in the wake of these updates? A ton of the titles that were in mine a few days ago have disappeared, and it's not just things that were set to leave the service in April. The ones that are still there are sorting differently too.

I think awareness of his unusual behavior and too-close ties to Scientology got too high in the mid-2000s, and since then he's pretty much stuck to roles that minimize discussion of his personal life and "what did it take to play that?"

There are comments further down about this is supposed to be commentary on people who think that way, but I heard it the way you did. He went back to that well inartfully and frequently enough that I have a hard time believing it's anything more than a personal hangup of his. The thing about how we "bombed the