
What a delightful way to put that.

The beast is real. Et cetera.

He really missed me with Age of Spin. Felt too much like a lesson being taught, and not an especially fresh one. He's grown so much as an artist and I respect that, but Deep in the Heart made me feel closer to the way I felt watching Killing Em and FWIW, which is what I admittedly wanted from these.

I liked it well enough on round one, but it's definitely one that's easier to appreciate once you know what you're getting yourself into.

More of a Steven Segal fan, huh?

Just curious - are all those movies just shit, or are they decent movies with Tom Cruise in them and therefore they're shit? Anyone who can say A Few Good Men, Born on the 4th, Magnolia, Minority Report, Collateral, and War of the Worlds are all terrible is awwwwwfully picky.

Not sure anything really *happened* with his career, at least in the negative sense that's implied. Gerard Butler works in movies that pay his quote and promise to be fun. Action movies are fun for him, so he makes a lot of those, and he gets his quote whether it's a hit or a failure. Maybe in a few years he'll be the

Well part of what I said before is that it's already not a fair contest. Voters who may or may not have even seen the movie in question and who are susceptible (even welcoming) to some level of influence from studios running award campaigns are making these decisions about something that's subjective to begin with.

This is interesting. What would be the standard then? You could allow people who've been charged or had allegations leveled against them to be nominated but make them ineligible to actually win, but then you have to deal with questions like "Do these allegations have merit?" and "What qualifies as merit?" and the mess

It's a talent contest, but it's not separate from the rest of the industry or the world, and it's certainly not fair except in the sense that everyone's vote seems to matter equally. Oscar winners enjoy real positive results in the industry (and depending on how you view pop culture, the world) after the night of the

Can't tell if this is a joke about a movie title or a draft from the Donald's twitter account…

Going into it, I thought I'd be in the "These characters are awful people, and I won't spend time with them" boat, but the pilot really won me over with some of the points you've outlined. The parents are just like so many parents in real life who really do want the best for their children but are short on

I've actually listened to his voice and I don't think he's better than Future or Young Thug.

The headline referring to "the best and bleakest rapper alive" reflects the level of fact-checking that went on here.

Future's solid. Codeine Crazy is a really great song. This headline is comically exaggerated clickbait nonsense.

The love for Nightswimming in these comments has renewed my appreciation for this community god bless you all

I feel really, weirdly, lucky to have found them on Good Mourning and Crimson because it prepared me to enjoy them on every album that came after.

I remember when I was in 6th grade and thought thoughts like that.

Would that it were literally just "from here to next week."

*bong solo