
I'm reluctant to call this a list of the worst things I saw this year because it seems like everyone LOOOOVED Hell or High Water, and I feel obligated to give it a second chance. Some day. Maybe.

The voyeur in me knows it'll be interesting to see what path they choose when this passes. Between the robbery in Paris and Ye's issues with Jay-Z, they've both dealt with the extreme downside of being a highly public figure for the first time in a while - maybe ever, in Kim's case. Last time it happened to Kanye, he

I can't even begin to imagine the level of stress and anxiety that comes with being a close friend or family to a person like Kanye West, much less that which comes with actually being a person like Kanye West. I hope all of this shakes out okay.

Fair point. I've seen very little of DW, and it wouldn't have occurred to me that it's meant for children since everyone I know who likes it is about my age. I've also gotten the impression that DW leans a bit more into camp than the original HP stories.

I live in California and haven't gotten the medical card - holding out for something like this. There's a vendor two blocks from my place and I daydream about being about to walk over after work or on a slow Saturday morning. Cheers to what's to come.

If you've both made it this far without seeing any of the new thing you're about to experience, chances are you'll both just wind up wondering what all the fuss was about.

Good point. We don't need any studio movies. Burn them all.

Calvin & Hobbes. There's no rainy day that can't make brighter.

"St. Anger successfully captures a singular mood—it exudes discomfort, alienation, and all-encompassing venom. It sounds ugly because it expresses the reality of ugly emotional terrain."

Well, that's your own fault.

That's a pretty unfortunate view of art you're promoting. Make no mistake, I think Feldman deserves the honest (negative) feedback he's getting as a result of inflicting his music on a massive audience from an unearned platform. But if making this music is therapeutic for him, then it's worth his making it. It's just

Yeah, Renner and Pegg have become more significant in the last two movies, and Alec Baldwin shows up too.

I can't speak for everyone who complains about that….but I'm fairly certain I can speak for some. And when I myself make those complaints, I'm not saying "God, I'm sick of all these movies with superpowered people beating each other up diverting resources from movies with regular people beating each other up."


In this case, Paramount probably assumes that Cruise alone carries the Reacher brand as far as it'll go. If this one does well enough to merit another sequel or two, they might get around to upgrading his co-stars the way they have in Mission Impossible.

Led Zeppelin - Rock N' Roll ("Been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely…")

I lived with my best friends during college, and a huge piece of our socializing in the house/apartment was set to artists including the National, Gaslight Anthem/Horrible Crowes, Dawes, Fake Problems, Alkaline Trio, the Eagles, Kendrick Lamar, etc. We're all a few years out of school now, but we're scattered across

I'm not sure Brothers in Arms gives me goosebumps every time, but it does make me cry like a child every time.

Gaslight's Mae is on my list for wistful, life-is-fleeting goosebumps. 45 is on my list for muscular, adrenaline-fueled goosebumps.

The sample of All of the Lights in Kanye's half-hour Runaway video pulled me back into his music after several years of ignoring most of his output besides College Dropout. The horns at the start get me every time, as does the instrumental intro track that precedes it on the album.