
Fix You is absolutely on my list and I absolutely thought "Maybe don't share that…"

Saw him on the Pet Sounds anniversary tour this summer. Every other person on the stage gave a more solid performance, but it felt okay because aside from the physical strain of performing for a couple hours, Wilson did seem happy to be there.

My earliest memory of flying is from age six. It begins at the moment I realized I needed to puke and ends at the moment I accepted that the bathroom was too far away and emptied my stomach into the lap of some woman in the aisle to my right. Sometimes you just gotta take the L.

"All humor aside, this is a great idea, and I hope they raise a ton of money."

I still have about two weeks. I like to think some Evil Bureaucrat at the DMV will be waiting til one minute before closing the day my check is due, only to receive payment and have his hopes of fining me further dashed to pieces by my impeccably timed mailing strategy.

The notice to pay my CA registration fee has been sitting on my desk for over a month now because it takes me that long to deaden myself to the pain of writing the check.

All humor aside, this is a great idea, the shoes look cool, and I hope they raise a ton of money.

I'd be interested to know what a 10-year-old thought of Cursed Child. I'm sure not everyone disliked it, but I was not a fan, and I wonder how much I'd have liked it if it had been around to read all those years ago when my taste and critical eye were undeveloped.

I think the ideal scenario is that you're able to care for them well enough that they reach adulthood and still want/allow you to care for them within reason and from a distance. Pay for a flight home, help them shop for a car over the phone, connect with someone who can mentor them professionally. You mostly get your

I fell asleep in the middle of both Scream 2 and an episode from the latest season of Trailer Park Boys. Scream 2 seemed like it wanted to be a tongue-in-cheek rehash of the original, and it really only nailed the "rehash" aspect. Trailer Park Boys got less fun for me when Netflix cleaned up the shooting style, but I

That level of selection has been my experience at every local library I ever used in each of the three cities I've lived in. I choose to believe that my tax dollars get spent on stuff like that because it's an incredible resource.

Granted, though when he comes up I always counter with the volume of people in the state who reject him vocally. I had someone mail me the front page the Indianapolis Star ran right after the RFRA became a thing:…

I'm making a trip back next weekend. If the curtain has suddenly been lifted, I'm blaming you.

It's all anecdotal, of course. I spent most of my time in Indianapolis or Bloomington, both of which seem short on the kind of dumbass Indiana is known for. But the ones I did encounter were almost always friendly anyway, and their sphere of dumbass influence was mostly limited to themselves or the likeminded. But

I grew up in Indiana, and two years in Los Angeles has made me pine for the sort of dumbass Indiana tends to breed.

Definitely Malcolm and Hal, although Dewey was such bizarre little dude that his relationship with either Hal or Lois is a stronger contender too.

I searched a ways down the comments here and found no one mentioning Malcolm in the Middle, and that makes me sad.

Yeah, the fanfic-ness and uniformity of lots of the characters' voices really put me off. Also, the humor. I can't remember exactly how it happened, but there was a scene where Scorpius did an Engorgio spell or something and it worked and Albus responded with "Wow, color me Engorgimpressed!" That was probably not even

Read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Saturday. Super disappointing, even having approached it understanding that reading a script is not like reading a novel. I'm still a bit interested in seeing it staged because some of the described set changes and effects were impressive as I imagined them, but I don't see

Sorry, I average about two books in a good month so I got carried away.