
I wasn't pinpointing an especially exciting time in their existence, just ballparking the last time I was willing to spend money to see them perform.

This was the most exciting thing I've heard all month eight years ago.

I'd be interested to sit in a class where books like these are covered today. High school students must see enough race and gender debates online to elevate those discussions well beyond what was said when I was in high school.

I haven't ready those Atwood books so I don't have anything of substance to say about that comparison, but I finished Station Eleven last night and would call it The Road+Hope, and I really hope you end up liking it!

I read Frank: The Voice in college, when I thought Frank Sinatra was the height of class and cool and style. I liked the book, but it lowered my opinion of him in pretty much every respect beyond his talent.

I got Mitchell's The Bone Clocks last year, only to hear from a friend who's read all of his books that there's a lot you'll miss in there if you haven't read Thousand Autumns and Ghostwritten beforehand. Thousand Autumns is one of the next on my list too - Enjoy!

My month started with Their Eyes Were Watching God, which was great. Lots of English classes at my high school were assigned this book, but never the ones I was in, and I'd always meant to give it a shot. I don't think I would have appreciated Janie's story as much then as I do now, but I do think it would have been a

Bad news first. I watched Scott Pilgrim for the first time. I think I might have loved it if I'd seen it back when it was released, but it didn't work for me at all on Saturday. Also watched The Heat after being really pleasantly surprised by Spy. This felt twice as long and half as funny.

Did you read the excerpt? Even a little bit?

You seem angry.

Or don't? "What's this, hon, some new vinaigrette?"

You forgot the jean shorts.

If you have them early enough, you can time it so they achieve financially independent adulthood by the time you're in your late 30s. Best of both worlds!

This little exchange was hilarious. Thank you for having it.

If I watch that, do I enter an alternate universe where there are no more of these movies?

Oh but it is though! You just can't tell until you've bought a dozen copies of the book and spent an arm and a leg on classes to learn to read it properly.

"Rich getting richer?" Yeah. Exactly. Don't list well-developed examples of "Rich got richer" and then claim your competing product isn't trying to be what they were years ago.

AV Club really needs to tighten up the rules allowing comments from SPs…

That's totally fair. I guess where you're seeing products aimed at kids, I'm just seeing products aimed at the largest possible paying audience, whether it's the movies or printed comics.

Maybe not cash they came by legally, maybe not cash they paid taxes on……