
Ehhhhhh…I'm not a fan of superhero comics or comic-based movies beyond Batman and Iron Man, but you're being pretty unfair. Sure, a lot of them are kind of inherently goofy in that the though of any person who can fly or shoot webs or not die instantly in space is goofy, but they also take on very adult issues and

The Entourage movie. I'll admit to having been a fan of the show in high school, but now that I work in entertainment it's brutally obvious when a young person is here primarily because they want to be Ari Gold. I wish all of those people and their source of inspiration would go far far away, so I've avoided all the

I wouldn't call this a nice thing - it's not a look I would choose for myself or my children. But that doesn't make it a bad thing for the movie. (not a comic book fan)

………, it probably doesn't.

Both of the face tattoos and whatever words are on his torso seem like pretty terrible calls right off the bat, but I sort of like the look of the rest of it…it's unexpected and different, but I'm not convinced it's bad.

Man, this is a great comment full of great diction. Well done, sir.

In terms of story, I agree. I also admit that I love him for his voice, which makes it easier to read through some subpar plays. I hope the Speed the Plow movie is worthwhile.

Prisoners. Not quite an action movie, but it was good.

I assume those were big parts of why it didn't happen. At least it would have made sense though - they've really gone all in on the new look and feel of the Craig movies, and I wonder how long it'll be before we get another suave and unbreakable Bond.


As a big Mamet fan, I'd shell out for that in a second.

Clooney would have made a classic Bond after Brosnan.

He doesn't seem like a guy who would have pursued breakout roles, and I don't think he's ever had an agent who could really put him in a position to take that on anyway.

Why don't we quit tip-toeing around it and admit that we want Randy Quaid in a series of Mission Impossible knockoffs. There. Was that so hard?

Good call. We'll take it to McDonagh first - that's only fair - but if he's not interested, I say we pass it to Edgar Wright next.

Ralph Fiennes. That guy has an undeniable knack for ice-cold menace, even when he's not Voldemort.

Agreed on Babadook. I did that and Oculus back to back alone in the dark last fall and while the Babadook was a little more unsettling in the moment, Oculus has actually stuck with me more.

Read this in an Eric Wareheim voice and grinned the biggest idiot grin I've grinned in a while.

I suppose this is cheating, but I saw Brand New live for the first time this week (outstanding) and bought one of their date-specific hand-numbered posters. Yesterday, I framed it. My pop culture week(end).

A couple years ago, I dealt with a very draining semester in school by seeking comfort in a rewatch of The Office (US). This year, I had to adjust following a move to a new and totally unfamiliar city and treated the anxiety with 30 Rock and old SNL reruns. Whatever works. You can do it.