
She’s a woman holding a book she must be dealt with appropriately.

Though my heart breaks when couples break up, his is Anna’s chance to be with (the true #1 Chris) Chris Evans.

He would’ve strung her along. She chose for herself.

I agree. After the Elhe/Firth BBC version I think it’s the next best. I really do like that everything isn’t as squeaky clean as is usually portrayed.

I could see this being good, if done well. As much as Mrs. Bennet is unbelievably obnoxious, the very real possibility that her daughters will be homeless and penniless if not married well (as well as the colossal unfairness) were cruel realities of 19th century life for women.

Length is such a weird myth. Everyone wants a super long cock, but if you don’t know how to wield a super long cock, it is no fun for the person you are having sex with.

I was on a long weekend in La Jolla and met a dude and we hit it off. We went walking along the beach at night and I took him back to my AirBnB and on the way he said he was a Trump supporter.

yeah that seems like a sure why to have a bad break up and end on bad terms I was also shocked by that recommendation. this woman was very clear that this is her first serious relationship, and what she needs to do is put her big girl panties on and sit down and have a respectful convo with this person she has known

Yeah, I have to agree here. Leaving someone with a week’s notice makes it pretty tough for them to figure out the logistics of their situation, especially if they were splitting rent, utilities, food, etc. with you. Seems unnecessarily cold to do, especially if this person is your best friend.

1st letter writer: dump his ass NOW. It’s not gonna get better. You know the uptick in hate crimes after Trump was elected? It was because his ascension to power emboldened those assclowns. Same thing is happening here - this is who your partner IS. A gaslighting, alt-right bigot. There’s really no way to keep a

WHAT?!! Do NOT sign a lease before informing your partner you want to break up! Maybe start looking, but that to me feels shitty as well. I know it’s an inconvenience for you to have to find a new place, move shit, etc. but that comes with the territory. I can’t imagine how fucking horrible I’d feel if I found my

Here’s this one, apt again...

Oooooooohhhhh! Sick Confederacy burn, dude! Nice!

A little horse is NOT a pony.

Perhaps my outrage meter is improperly calibrated. I thought the joke was that Amal is an amazing super hero and she handled the birth like a champ and George - not a strong amazing woman - is a basket case.

Thank you, this was absolutely my takeaway too. And as someone who has had suicidal thoughts lately this show actually helped me. No one wants to talk to you when you’re depressed/going through a rough time, so seeing the feelings I had being discussed, even just by fictional characters, helped. Also I thought the

It may not have helped rape victims, but was it supposed too?

Considering cops and their tendency to coerce witnesses I’m not inclined to automatically agree that the two witnesses mean it’s self-inflicted.

Branagh’s, I think, trying to amp up the eccentric look of Poirot, whilst also making him more youthful and athletic seeming.

No, worries, mademoiselle, the oldest hipster in Brooklyn is on the case.