I’m sure someone noticed everyone’s reactions and confusion and sent her an email.
I’m sure someone noticed everyone’s reactions and confusion and sent her an email.
I want to see what the sweatshirt looks like. Pics please.
Agree. I have a friend in his 50s who has never felt able to fully come out to his family (although I’m 90% sure they know), and it has ruined every serious relationship he’s ever had. I feel really sad for older people who get mocked for not coming out earlier, when the society they lived in was immeasurably…
She is, at best, only the 4th most annoying member of that family.
Right? Like, in John Milton’s Paradise Lost she’s Beezelbub at best. lol
Um, not for incarceration they aren’t. Also, cool your jets on the condescending replies. We don’t need that crap here.
The ‘problem’ is we’ve tried this before. And it hasn’t helped boys.
I am a capitalist tool who can have more vacations with or without booze if I got a raise.
Reminds me of people who think The Police’s “Every Breath You Take” is romantic.
Flip side: “Everything is Free” when you are a kid in poverty is just “You Can Afford Absolutely Nothing” so I’m Team Adult Autonomy on that one.
I cried the one time I got a C. Cried like a baby.
You clearly weren’t around when missionary won when it was sex versus chocolate several years ago.
Jezebel, when are you going to do an article about the missing black women in DC or the model that alleged she was drugged and raped by designer Karl Kani? Or how about an article about how a 1oak club promoter told a women to bring hot girls and no black women? #whitefeminism
I can’t believe Getting an A was a 14 seed. You know what kind of people read Jez? Nerds. We didn’t just love getting A’s, we LIVED FOR IT.
Menopause vs Jake Tapper does not seem to apply. Unless I was wishing menopause on my wife. Actually, she is wishing for it right now, as she is over the crazy, random periods and shit. I’ll go back and pick it for her.
Yeah but then sometimes you got assigned like...A Tale of Two Cities, or something like 4 grade levels below your reading level
Quick poll: Growing up in the age of Trump (with Betsey Devos as the person who decides your educational options) or being an adult in the age of Trump?
"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."
(the cardigans at Ann Taylor are actually really great)