
Why would it be a joke when people become scholars and qualified experts on all sorts of things—pop culture, Russian folk dance, Facebook, etc.? Our society's obsession with women's weight and eating habits is a pretty natural extension of gender studies and has already been examined by lots of writers and academics.

Scones. I Columbus the SHIT out of scones. I also Columbused Earl Grey before being into tea was cool. I'm basically the discoverer of white-people style breakfast.

Yea! Her nail beds suck!

"Now every girl is expected to have Caucasian blue eyes, full Spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, a Jamaican dance hall ass, long Swedish legs, small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner, the hips of a nine-year-old boy, the arms of Michelle Obama, and doll tits.

I so badly want to hit the star and favorite this post, but it has 69 favs already and I;m loathe to break such an appropriate number for this post!

Seriously, I wonder if there is anyone else here who thinks that casual sex is the only option left? In the limited 30 something dating pool here in Austin, I feel like the men who are left are so scared of the word "date" that they think it's tantamount to a lifelong commitment. I had the same problem in college,

Yes. I'm in my thirties, have only ever had casual sex, and have no plans to have any other type of sex in the near future. But I can't stand this sex positive bullshit. For one, people need to bare in mind that the rise of sex positivity in no way diminishes the fact that this is still an honor based culture. Even

the only problem with this is that the world isnt some forum topic on the internet.

what about Alan Cumming?

Rachel isn't responsible for Shawn's poor behavior to start, nor responsible for his poor decisions afterwards. Shawn needs to grow up!

My uterus just spontaneously expelled my IUD. thanks a lot!

Exactly. The rest are princesses by birth or marriage, but Belle doesn't marry the Beast in the movie (I pretend the sequels don't exist).

Yeah seriously. Not to mention, if paying a basketball player to play ball is a handout, why doesn't this motherfucker get down to the court and dunk the ball himself?

Thank you for saying this. My daughter is less than a year old but my husband and I are firmly in the "one child" ring and already I am getting asked when we're having a second. And, while it is literally none of these people's business, I tell them quarter to never, we are all extremely happy the way we are. And I

*head asplode*

The dirty part gives them a little something extra. Body? Or a meal like quality? I've also discovered the Cesar; it's like an alcoholic salad.


If ignorance is the only thing keeping people on a moral path, they never had any morals in the first place.

I struggle with that myself sometimes. If we start making out but I'm just not feeling it and want to stop I get really apologetic, for hours afterwards even. Like we'll have moved on to watching a movie or something and I'll still feel like I need to apologize for not wanting to do it.