
It's the letting you in without the $100 cover charge. I've been to a few high end clubs in NYC and there is no way in hell I was going to pay that. But it's always that a friend of a friend knows the bouncer or a promoter and we have to dress cute and look bored to get in. The clubs aren't even fun! The music sucks

I absolutely agree. Everyone acts like affirmative action is purely for the benefit of the individual minority students, but it betters the institutions to have diversity!

I think this attitude is born from the idea that it IS supposed to be earth shattering or transcendent. But when it's not that leads to the letdown. My first time was perfectly serviceable, because it allowed me to join the ranks of the not virgins, which was really all I wanted. But for some people, especially people

THAT is a good fucking idea. And it could be centered around one fandom per episode but also give, like, updates on the big stuff going on in general at the end.

That's the only thing I watch live! Or when Amy and Tina host the Golden Globes.

I really liked the book! I loved Hazel's voice and the whole plot in Amsterdam and with the writer was bizarre. But I just didn't cry. And I cry when I watch Taylor Swift music videos.

Psh. Whatevers. Those losers need to move out of their parents' basements....And into their childhood bedrooms on the second story like me! #achievement

Yes! I mean, it was a cancer book. More than half of the characters had cancer. Did no one see it coming? Did readers think the characters were safe because they're children? WHY THE TEARS??

Dude. I had Donna Brazile as a professor, and she was so freaking cool.

I believe the traditional cardigan looks like this:

We do wear all the cardigans. I just bought a short-sleeved cardigan at Ann Taylor, so I can continue to wear them in the sweltering swamp summer. Although, Gretchen Carlson? C'mon. Try Elizabeth Warren.

Do you have any health problems associated with your boobs or do you just not like how big they are? Because I'm only a D, so not actually that big, but I just don't like how they look.

Yeah, I have tried casual sex several times and I really wanted to try out different partners. But after a few experiences of not enjoying it, I gave up on my dreams of achieving Super Slut status. It seems way cooler, but you just have to let yourself like what you like!

I bring up intersex babies! As in babies born with ambiguous genetalia. I just want everyone to know that if they have a baby with ambiguous genetalia, don't let anyone perform unnecessary surgery. And once I have a few drinks I start earnestly telling cute boys this information. It is very important to know that, but

Oh ew! That's so creepy and terrible. The sexual harassment definitely goes both ways/every which way in the service industry. Once I was at dinner with a friend and these two extremely drunk women were getting so inappropriate with our much younger than them male server. They kept making loud comments about his ass

I hate that too! I also hate when people try to have more than one best friend. No. You get one and you are platonic. The end.

Actually, I'm pretty sure he's a king. So she becomes a queen, which is better.

Ha! No, you're good. And I remember reading an article about how only children are more likely to have "found" families/siblings. It hit home, because I have a friend that I made when I was 11 who is like my sister at this point. So it's totally possible for us to have other friends! I'm fairly confident I will one

Screw that! I love being an only child. My parents and I moved around a lot when I was a kid, so there were times when I wanted a sibling, but my mom and dad and I are really close. I'm living in another country right now, but I talk to them more than I talk to anyone else from the states. The only drawback is that

Right?? My parents and I have a deal that if they promise not to die until I'm married with a kid, they can live with us.