
Exactly! My best friend will tell me really graphic stuff sometimes, (like about the consequences of trying anal. Major ew.) and it wouldn't be a big deal except that it's all with her boyfriend of 6 years. And I'm like, "Cool, I'll be sure to bring up that time you and Ben role played naughty Santa when I make the

Oh good point! Satan will totes shut that shit down.

Santorum has probably had gay sex, though, with how obsessed with it he is. So unfortunately we'll still have to see him.

Seriously. Why would I want to bang Gottfried? I would spend the whole time feeling like I was in some weird Aladdin fanfic where Iago gets the genie to turn him into a human.

Ohhhh it's when your hip bones stick out! I thought it meant from bikini top to bikini bottom and I was like, a torso? Thank you for clearing that up so now I can feel bad about myself properly. Phew!

Oh wow, I'm so glad to hear you say this! I felt the same way, sort of always vaguely uncomfortable touching any of my extended male relatives and then when I was like 11 I read this article in 17 magazine about this girl whose father raped her and I got super paranoid about my dad. For no reason. He's awesome and

Yes! I was given sneaky vegan pizza at a meeting in college. Just make pizza without cheese!

Have you ever had vegan cheese? It is the woooorst.

Yeah, the Bechdel Test works best when applied to movie trends instead of individual movies. Failing doesn't make a movie bad or have bad female characters (duh, Star Wars). And passing definitely doesn't make a movie good. I remember reading that Maid in Manhattan passes because Jennifer Lopez and another maid talk

But doesn't her son?

I wish I'd be a Sybil, but I know I'd be a Mary :/

So first sex, gender, and sexuality are all different things, but our society perceives them as mutually defining binaries. Sex means male or female (as in what someone is medically identified at birth by their sex organs). Gender refers to the outward presentation of being a man or a woman (as in hair, clothes,

Now playing

Okay, okay. I sooo get the rapey connotations of the lyrics. Really. But look (and I know Glee is mad uncool, now) pretty, coy, boys:

Heehee you said anal!

Yeah... I thought that too. Maybe didn't have a spare girl cast member to play silent love interest? Or ya know, heteronormativity.

Why not your male offspring? Sexist!

Right, but why is it "in a man's best interest" to impregnate lots of women? His resources would be stretched thinner over more children, assuming he even believes any of those kids are his. Or he could just ignore all of his possible children and contribute none of his own resources to them and then they have a

Right, but *why* is that the science? That is something that we all supposedly know, but how did we come to that conclusion and why is my conclusion wrong? Like, I'm kind of challenging you, but I'm also legitimately asking. For decades scientists thought the sperm penetrated the egg, but then finally figured out that

Exactly! And if we're going to just use logical conclusions, wouldn't men lose out by being sluttier, instead of sticking with one partner? Women know a baby theirs because it comes out of them. Men will only know that if they nest with one woman and spend so much time with her it would be unlikely she would have time

Not every make-up department can be the Behind the Candelabra
make-up department.