
I also had to role play turning down sex, but I had to do so with my male health teacher in front of the class. I was 12 and was made an example of when I wouldn't role play right with a student. It was soooo embarrassing and terrible!

No way, man. It's going to be the grandmother. Just wait. She'll do it to save Rosie from getting a complex.

This is pretty much what my hook-ups are like. I can never stay in the moment and I just get bored. I often do orgasm (I have them fairly easily), but that doesn't actually make it good sex for me. I would much rather just use my vibrator, since then I don't have a boy taking up half my bed. My friends kept trying to

Word. Not only because it rewarded him after how terribly he treated her, but also confused the logistics of the whole thing. Like, where did this chick come from? Is she Ruby as Ruby would be without his intervention? If so, what is her actual personality?

There are the Fallen Princess.

You mean like the lotus birth placenta saving lady's kid from yesterday's article?

You named your daughter Lilith?? I <3 you.

Yeah... I have a really good (awesome, super smart) friend who is convinced she's infertile, because she hasn't gotten pregnant yet from all the semi-unprotected sex she has had.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about who she should be marrying. Casper. Because they're in love.

My mind went to gear shift.

My roommate and I watched that episode probably 7 times.

It totally works for non-fames! When they say, "No...." Say, "You will!"

Yeah... My labia mole is coming out when we have sex and that's probably happening before I'll poop anywhere in a potential partner's vicinity. How am I supposed to hide it? And I'm actually asking for suggestions here.

Yeah, they even made a joke about it on the show. Something about her dad being a plastic surgeon.

Yeah, for some of us it has to do with our self-perceptions. I'm not super attached to my length but I will never die my hair darker. In my mind's eye I'm blonde. Otherwise I don't look like myself.

Ahhh that's adorable! Although, I also vote for baby Pugsley.

Ooo what did they decide on?

Your veins must run cold with ice! I hope that they keep dressing up in coordinated outfits and posting pictures forever and then when the kids are 12 they will have the eye-rolliest faces and it will be hilarious.

That is exactly why I love that name. Also, Jane Austen.

Shhhh don't tell people that! I'm saving it.