
There is! Sarah in New Hampshire in 1990, which is when/almost where I was born and the reason it's my middle name and not my first name. Thanks parents!

I know what you mean! I'm not celibate, but I haven't been having much sex over the last few years either. It has definitely made me appreciate friendship from the opposite sex more. I'm not worried about sexual tension or if he like likes me, because I'm not going to want to have sex with him anyway. I finally have

I would watch the shit out of that.

1) No, he can't pull off a backwards baseball cap. 2) George Costanza and Michael Scott are his role models? Lolz on lolz on lolz.

For real. All the Cetaphil.

That is such bullshit! It sounds like you are in great shape! It is seriously not based on actual healthy habits. I realized this when I had to see a bunch of different doctors for this chest cough that I had for like 9 months. Every single one of them said something along the lines of, "Now, I know it's going to be

Well now I have a giant crush Justin Theroux.

I used to put those on my Furby to make it fancy.

And all the tension from the competition and trash-talking will boil over when their gazes meet in the glow from the camp lantern when they are forced to share body heat. Mmmm...

A-fucking-men! Seriously, I get that defining sexual orientation is important for a lot of people as part of their self-identity, but can we just accept that if sex and gender aren't binary, orientation isn't either? People are attracted to the people they are attracted to for so many reasons besides their sexual

I understand the size issue (heh), but there are plenty of larger people who manage to keep from tripping the wait staff. It's probably their unwillingness to shift that makes them especially mockable.

I prefer to think of us as coiled snakes preparing to strike.

Yeah, I prefer to think that I'm developing my snark skills.

That's how I feel! My friends are all: "Omg lets go to this club and listen to this supposedly famous DJ (why, why are there famous DJs?) play house and dubstep until 5 am. It will be so fun!"

That poor boy :(

Really? That is so bizarre. And it sounds ripe for a sexual harassment scandal.

Yes, exactly! I find lots of people really beautiful who don't fit into society's version of pretty femininity or even conventionally attractiveness. My main point is that "pretty" doesn't just mean attractive or beautiful. It means attractive in a very specifically feminine, delicate way. Some people are born with

Absolutely! Because "pretty" to me means feminine and delicate. Whereas attractive means pleasing to look at, or nice looking. Some people can master all the makeup out there, but still won't look pretty. I know girls that are very attractive, but aren't necessarily pretty, because they have very strong features.

I agree. It does remind me of some hardcore gay porn. But that is when you get into the HARDCORE gay porn. It is made and marketed specifically for people with a humiliation kink. Most mainstream gay porn that I have seen is much more egalitarian (hence why I, also bi, like it). Conversely, the most mainstream

Yeah, my first boyfriend was definitely a Starter Boyfriend. We started dating at 16, were together for 2 years, and I just assumed we would date through high school and then break up as soon as we graduated to continue on to real relationships in college. I didn't exactly have it planned out, but I certainly didn't