Kevin F. Boone

Ahem, Jesus Christ here.

The so religious whack jobs that support Trump have as much resemblance to Christianity as the Islamic terrorist have to true believers of Islam.  

It sounds somewhat worse than the giant companies I’ve worked for. Staffers weren’t getting any PTO? Or time off to go to the friggin’ doctor?

They started out the show with a few staff. It was small. It grew, and I think she forgot to keep tabs on everybody. I think they kept doing things the way it was when they started small, and it worked then, but it leaves plenty of cracks that you don’t see once you get bigger.

I’m white enough to blend in with the snow, yet somehow I’ve managed to get through life without mispronouncing “King”. I also strongly suspect these mistakes won’t happen when Elizabeth dies and they have to start talking about King Charles. It’s not an error you can easily make unless it’s a word and context you use

Right? If it’s a mistake it’s because you say it all the time. 

I bet his phone autocorrects ‘King’ to ‘coon’ all by itself, too. 

Who says coon accidentally? Like it has to already be in your lexicon for it to be accidental.  Why would it be there I wonder. 

That is the laugh of a kid who knows the system is fucked, knows he’s getting locked up for no reason, and knows the actual cop who committed the actual murder got off free.

She made me smile. She made me cry. She made me proud and she gave this lily white old guy more hope for the future than I’ve felt for a long time. Get out of the way NRA and GOP. You have met your match!

Did anyone watch the special last night Hope & Fury: MLK, the movement and the media?

Your reply is what happens when people argue against opinions that weren’t shared and points that weren’t made. You sound like someone yelling at an imaginary friend. Where did say being “different is bad?” Where did I say that the eroding of mental health “always” leads to violence? Where did these words come from?

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

I just want to say that whenever Christians want to justify their horrible worldviews, they always quote either the Old Testament or a letter written by Paul... never Jesus.

Oh my god. If there is any strength in this world please god grant it to these families.

Schlapp yelled at, turned his back on and interrupted Johnson for the same reason Spicer reprimanded Ryan: because Spicer and Schlapp can’t bear to hear anyone contradict their lies. Spicer is apt to get plum-faced and confrontational with anyone, as is Schapp—but the disrespect of Johnson and Ryan is indicative

Very interesting and timely article, Maya. I don’t think people realize how beneficial the social safety net is because of the myth that beneficiaries are lazy. And we all know that that gets translated. Many people, especially people of color, don’t make enough of a living wage to cover the full cost of living. The

This is a crazy one, here. I’m not a fan of the painting, myself, but I do think the artist has the right to paint whatever he or she wants. This is a tough one to judge, tho, for sure.....

I feel as though most of you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the way HBCU’s operate and are funded. Most HBCU’s rely critically on government funding and few have any endowment money to speak of (Spelman and one or two others being an exception). This is because alumni giving and charitable giving is low in

There were over 250 years of slavery followed by 150 years of systematic oppression. It takes societies generations to recover from these types of sins. And It’s only been about 40 years.