Kevin F. Boone

The Root writers have pulled out some killers lately. I can’t keep up with Michael H.


This is, without question, my favourite piece written about this film. Thank you.

I cried for maybe 20 or so minutes straight driving home from this movie last month. When it really sunk in that Black had been in juvenile detention and or prison all those years and never was touched in any loving way, it made my stomach hurt. To think of all the people in this world who don’t have any intimacy -

Exquisite review of an exquisite film.

Obviously well said comments about the importance of touch in this movie, and the movie’s quiet refusal to fall prey to false notions of “black pathology” in the depiction of the homophobia and other aspects of life shown in the film.

What kills me are white military folk, who overwhelmingly voted Trump (to clarify, I voted Hillary). All he does is shit on military members and military families; a Gold star family obviously means your son/daughter didn’t try hard enough, because they died. You’re a POW? Real soldiers didn’t get caught. 45 knows

This cannot be denied. Article was spot-on.

I grew up a white evangelical and I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this. I shed my faith for a number of reasons, but I can’t help but feel like the attitudes of those around me were a huge part of why I couldn’t stand it anymore. Honestly, there’s so much good, positive stuff in the Bible, stuff that I think

The be even more specific, it’s white evangelicals. They don’t break down these approval ratings into specific religious categories, but, if you look at the exit polling from the election, it was white evangelicals that supported Trump at the highest rate. 83% of white evangelicals voted for him, which is a higher

How great is it that the movie got shipped to me today from my Netflix Queue? (I know, I should have seen it in the theater.)

For the analogy to really work, you have to infer that Black America did something silly to deserve getting everyone’s heads kicked in.

I think your anger is going in the wrong direction. The researcher has the responsibility to present his research unvarnished by personal opinions. This is the attitude he gathered in his research, not his personal opinion. This guy has spent his life researching, writing about, and educating people about white

Wypipo: You can’t sit with us, you’re inferior

Oh, very much so. Look at all of the news incidents about black people maltreated by cops.

If race relations did get worse (they didn’t- white people just showed their true colors), it was bc many white US citizens had a definitive, negative reaction to the reality of a black president becoming a reality. For our entirety as free people after the end of “official Jim Crow”, blacks have been gaslighted in

I think the fact that his presidency coincided with the rise of social media added to the effect. Now sharing a racist joke with your friends had the ability to go global. And people who were victims had a global platform.

What was once obvious and understood among certain communities now had ways to find a new

Definitely. I keep trying to explain to people who think that race relations have gotten worse, it’s only that the cancer is more visible now. All Barack Obama had to do was exist as a powerful black man, and that shit came boiling up to the surface.

To be fair, America didn’t deserve the Obamas, period.

They were very cool together, you could tell the president loved her, but it was obvious that they liked each other. Who wouldn’t, she was like your cool gorgeous smart aunt you secretly had a crush on. It was deflating when the haters went after her. I can see disagreeing with the president but c’mon you guys,