Kevin F. Boone

It’s always best when one has corroboration, especially from a family source on RECORD. And Judge Trump is less than moral for keeping her recollections to herself for it has enabled her sociopath brother to treat many Americans (and others) as one of his victims. The individual has never gotten over his racist

It’s always best when one has corroboration, especially from a family source on RECORD. And Judge Trump is less than moral for keeping her recollections to herself for it has enabled her sociopath brother to treat many Americans (and others) as one of his victims. The individual has never gotten over his racist

I’m glad you’re doing better. And I agree with everything you’ve stated, particularly parental notions about the child getting mentally stronger and/or praying their mental discontent away, which is absurd, toxic, and potentially deadly (meaning they may have blood on their hands). That there have been historic

Like your better, Mr. Biden, I’d kick Mr. Trump’s ass, then call it a day. You really don’t have a point, other than to diminish a man who’s on the right side of history. I mean, really, why did you go after him? And who do you think you are?

Spooks, Russian operatives and Nazi sympathizers should never be anywhere near the White House — some of the reasons why Fuehrer Trump’s impeachment is inevitable.

You’re not running for office? If not you, who?

I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic, or what. The only thing anyone has to know is some deranged woman assault these folks for racial and economic status. And that woman needs to come to justice. Thinking about how stupid she is ought occupy her enrollment in the “House of Correction.”

Nothing from the 60s is more inferior than your tiresome selection from ‘97. What hubris, what nerve, you have to even suggest those songs could compare. I have heard everyone you mention and you’ve got to be kidding, yes? Anyway I’m unanimous in this.

Congrats, Ifeoma. Your hard work and talent paid off. Did you consider Howard, Hampton and Xavier universities, for example, or Spelman and Bennett (two of the top colleges nation wide sending Black women to medical school)? It’s important to mention those Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) because

Miss Helen, sister-woman, a warrant has been issued for your arrest. Sometimes making sense “up in here” is a crime. Helen, you’re smooth, a “smooth criminal.” Hands up!

It’s seldom about Jesus and His example. Many are incapable of separating Him from their conceptions of the Old Testament God of Abraham, or don’t know how. Folks deny picking-and-choosing verses from the Bible which conform to their prejudices and politics until confronted with that selectivity. Many read the Bible

It’s oxymoronic for most right-wing Republicans to call themselves “Christian.” Their support for a politics producing disparate effects on folks who don’t look like, or believe like, them, indicates life’s just about them, and only them, and what they want, when they want it. They’re largely incapable of “walking in

Hum. I thought the criminal John Dean done died and descended into Satan’s warm embrace, like Richard “I’m Not A Crook” Nixon. Did your your medium conjure him during a seance? John about calling the kettle black. Let the dead be. Please.

Mistress Shutz is an American of a certain hue and reputation who knows her picture will be displayed in spaces like the Whitney Museum of American Art because, well, they share a history — of Black disregard, something I thought was remedied in the recent past. (Maybe I should stop thinking as it often buys

Mistress Shutz is an American of a certain hue and reputation who knows her picture will be displayed in spaces like the Whitney Museum of American Art because, well, they share a history — of Black disregard, something I thought was remedied in the recent past. (Maybe I should stop thinking as it often buys

Mistress Shutz is an American of a certain hue and reputation who knows her picture will be displayed in spaces like the Whitney Museum of American Art because, well, they share a history — of Black disregard, something I thought was remedied in the recent past. (Maybe I should stop thinking as it often buys trouble.)

People who are so conflicted need to get over themselves. It’s not just about them. It ends up being about Black people — why it’s such a “wicked game.” Folks behaving badly and celebrating it, and consumers who encourage it, are complicit in something without winners. I could never, not ever, not no how, knowingly be

I agree. And the people who are so conflicted need to get over themselves. It’s not just about them. It ends up being about Black people — why it’s such a “wicked game.” Folks behaving badly and celebrating it, and consumers who encourage it, are complicit in something without winners. I could never, not ever, not no

The rug is being pulled from under this country by Mr. Trump and his kind. Though “we aren’t in Kansas anymore,” our salvation is to be active citizens who stand up, talk back and act-up in opposition to the administration’s alternate universe, fake facts, included. I could fall to my knees and cry like a baby for the

That your commentary’s heartfelt and beautifully written is indisputable. And it’s clear you aren’t a conscious Black man because, were you, for example, one would never state or imply James Baldwin or Martin Luther King would agree with your thesis. In addition to folks making good choices, they’d critique the System