Kevin F. Boone

“HEY, LOOK ME OVER.” Donald Trump had THOSE PEOPLE in the White House on a ruse — Omarosa Manigault, PhD, his educated servant, said he could look em’ over and get a feel for how they acted in White company. Unbeknownst to THOSE PEOPLE, they were being “eye’d” as the help. See, after getting up from fainting spells,

I love the spirit of Howard students. They run the place and know how to organize to be heard — if they don’t want something to happen, it usually won’t. Pres. Trump has his places, and it would be prudent of him, and his playmate, Auntie Kelly, to stay in them. Those Howardites are liable to “tar and feather” them,

Sister woman Robinson’s in her 70s and looks nothing like Sister woman Obama, Ms.Keller.

Here, hear!

Isn’t it rich / Isn’t it a farce?

Twisting the truth and blaming Black folks for it is what you’re doing. By flipping the script, you reveal what’s helping ail us — like descendants of enslaved Africans in America, you, too, are damaged by its system of White Superiority. It’s the chain holding all of us down, one preventing you from seeing straight

correction: studios

Interesting. What I think those two great men of business and entertainment are saying to anyone who would listen: You’ll never box me in, tell me what to do, as I’m captaining my own ship. Why are (some) Black folks so intent on finding fault? Since when are we capable of getting in peoples’ minds to determine their

Your Grace, YESSSSSS!

Don’t be silly. They were discussing how to drop dead.