
Whiteside and Embiid have played one regular season game against each other. Whiteside scored 32 points, has 12 rebounds, two blocks, and was +8. He started more than twice as many games last year as Embiid has in three years. And Whiteside managed to lead the league in rebounds per game *and* 17 points, 14 rebounds,

Some will say that the Pens are just tired from winning back to back Stanley Cups and that they had just played the night before, which is why they didn’t look like themselves last night. Others will say AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHfuckyou

Nobody who watches the Bears is surprised that this happened. Or that they only got a field goal with that kind of field position.

It takes a special kind of asshole to make Goodell look like the good guy in comparison...


yes, because I am people and hilarious.

I start at Amazon in a new warehouse Monday and it’s $14 an hour with a 4 day work week which is much better than the job I’m leaving

Damn Ray. When you saw that picture after really advocating for Kaepernick it must have felt like you got stabbed in the back.

I don’t even know why he’s DMing her. Everybody knows he’s a catcher.

-1899: Brooklyn Bridegrooms steal signs using a steam-powered periscope
-1919: Elaborate telegraph system relays signs to the Chicago White Sox, relays bets from the team to Arnold Rothstein
-1941: Ted Williams hits .400, “steals signs” by having sufficient eyesight to see the spin on every pitch, and look into the


Too late. His dad beat you to it.

Were you out all fucking night?

Fathers be good to your ballers

  • Who is this energetic for a street fight at 6:50 a.m.

Dad jokes.

Hi Kinja; long time reader, first time caller. I created this account to click the star near this post.

Hope they don’t trade Avis-ail Garcia

Eventually, after this is all over, I really hope Nutt gets the sweet release that he deserves after this huge tease.

This is a factually incorrect statement. I personally know at least 200 people who are far worse writers than Bill Simmons. You never met my 3 year old cousin who can’t even spell her own fucking name. Backwards “Rs” are unprofessional. Her name doesn’t even have an R in it. The fuck is that. So that’s one worse