
3.2. Three teams plus the Jets.

I’m just reporting the news. There was an article today—I love to report the news and then they said I made a mistake, right? I said, no, the people reporting the news made a mistake if it’s wrong. But, there was an article today, it was reported, that I wanted to fuck my daughter Ivanka. Not the other one. The hot

“Steve gave me peyote and now I want nothing on earth more than to bomb the everlasting shit out of Madagascar! FUCK those penguin bastards!”

Ahem, Mexico is paying.

It’s good Brady got his old jersey back. We all know everyone from Boston hates new jersey.

As a White Sox fan, the attention makes me feel good. In fact, it fits in pretty perfectly with my feelings about the White Sox. If anything, it is a year or two late. I haven’t been this enthusiastic about them in years, but now that they have picked a lane, I have hope. Of course, most of my interest is in

I like Deadspin, but it needs more White Sox coverage.

If there is a worse broadcaster in professional sports, I haven’t found him or her yet.

I figured they already blew by 20 in 2017.

It’s really simple when you consider the habitat in which it was found. Walmart parking lots are a unique ecological niche commonly inhabited by the American Redneck. An observed behavior of the Redneck is tossing random shit into their preferred conveyance, the pickup. There are, by my estimate, at least dozens of

I don’t know if my comment was worth +1620. +1492 maybe.

Original American giver.

Really disappointed that the Schilling meme guy didn’t put together a macro for these theories.

Nuclear fusion level hot take right there. The correct answer is: ketchup is blasphemous and disgusting on hotdogs and acceptable yet discouraged on burgers.

“Slap bet commissioner says, I’ll allow it!”

This team needs to be put in a toilet and then pooped on. I’m sorry for the harsh language, but that’s just how I feel...



My player piano!

Spencer did nazi that coming....