
Too bad there isn’t a way to go full Popovich and call up their entire Low A ball roster for the game.

“Diaz had already touched the plate and should have moved off towards first to make his throw.”

You forgot Chelios! Played until he was 48! He started when I was 2, he retired when I was 29. I don’t know how I’ve lived in a non-Chelios world the past 8 years.

ESPN is probably patting themselves on the back that not one of these messages was a dick pic

The more I read this, it’s like if Rachel Phelps (Loria) had been successful in getting hundreds of millions out of her ballclub and then sold it to a former player who was left holding all of the baggage.

Felony? How about making Olympic fencer Daryl Homer rank shit for 36 straight days! THAT’S a felony.

Look I get that he’s a social activist and everything, I applaud that about him but honestly from the stuff I hear...him and his brother both sound like major assholes

Star Wars doesn’t have any prequels. The movies start with Episode IV. Nothing came before.

It wasn’t even pure HGH, Burfict is always looking for the dirty hit.

Two’s company, three’s a crowd

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

To claim that this makes sense because the mere idea of defense is too important is to claim that a poor defender who actively hurt his team in the field is inherently more valuable than any equivalent player who helped his team by not having the chance to doing so.

Unfortunately, most of recent history shows us that the bears don’t make a good team.

“I totally approve of a Celtic player humiliating Isaiah Thomas by stealing his moment of glory”

Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

I’ve never rooted for an athlete to sustain a horrific injury (even the total scumbags), but I can’t help it in Brady’s case. His whole “My health regimen has made me invincible!” shtick is just begging for a harsh reality check. If he were to get Theisman’d on the field, I would just start laughing.

No dude. Even in places where it was once popular, dog meat is now considered taboo, and sometimes even illegal.

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

Nope. X-Men, Storm, the line about frogs and lightning.